Day: March 31, 2019

DNS Load Balance

LdapSrvWeight to proportionally distribute AD referral traffic (default 100) Regedit >> HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters >> New DWORD…

How to expand volume of a linux virtual machine residing in a ESXi host

1. Power off VM2. Expand volume size3. Power on VM4. Confirm new volume size# fdisk…

Configure VPN from AWS to CPE (Juniper Router)

1. Create VPN connection from AWS portal and download the configuration file2. Import the configuration…

Setting up proper multiple active I/O Paths between ESX and Equalogic

There are two options:1. If ESX Enterprise license is available, download Dell MEM 1.1.2 package…

AWS Instances Backup

Images: Putty (SSH) into the Image Creator instance in N. Virginia (tetriary Zone) and test…

Setup Multiple SMTP Servers

- Add SPF record for both SMTP servers that are authorized to send email for…

AWS Autoscale with Public IP re-association

Option 1:--associate-public-ip-address command option with the as-create-launch-config commandOption 2:Allocate an Elastic IP then adding a…

Configure Remote Servers to Download Contents from Microsoft Directly instead of WSUS

Log onto Local Server >> Group Policy >> Computer Configuration >> Administrative Templates >> System…

Websense Notes

Reminder: when changing Websense Server Name, one must also update it's associated pointer in Web…

Quick 1-liner: Raise Domain Functional Level from 2003 to 2012 R2

This command is required to enable 2012R2 functional level (group policy replication) adprep /domainprep /gpprep…

How to convert Windows evaluation to a licensed version

Determine installed Windows version:   DISM /online /Get-CurrentEdition Check possible target editions:   DISM /online…

Reset CBT in VMware

# using VMware.VimAutomation.Coreclsif ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name VMware.VimAutomation.Core -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null ){Add-PsSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core}if ( (Get-PSSnapin…

Windows Desktop Preparation using FOG

1. Install FOG on Centos or Ubuntu 2. Download Windows Essentials: 3. Download Windows…

Run mmc with elevated domain administrator permissions

Method 1: Create a link with this path C:\Windows\System32\runas.exe /profile /env /user:[domain]\[user] "cmd /c mmc…

Import virtual machines from VMware ESX to AWS

Step 0, Option 1: Create AWS keys Info:   Step 0, option 2 -…

Uninstall Windows Product Key

Obtain activation ID: slmgr /dlv   Remove activation (example): slmgr /upk xxxx2e65-04b7-44c9-9d7b-ef402816xxxx slmgr /upk xxxx72c7-36b3-4e4b-b435-fd0b09b9xxxx

Delegate Administration Priviledges to Junior Admins

View Current Delegated Permissions: MMC Concole >> View Advanced Features >> Right-click desired OU, Properties…

Ideas for Open Source SAN using local storage

Use a server with local drives Set up Raid 0 Install "SheepDog on Centos/Ubuntu's KVM"…

Setup Virtual DMZ and Trust Zones with PFSense

I. Setup Route at Core Router1. Configure subnet, ip helper address, and default route---------- Example…

Benefits and Drawbacks of Desktop Virtualization

I. Benefits   1. Accessibility and convenience 2. Consistency of desktop experience 3. Data security…