Month: November 2019

Active Directory GPO Practical Examples

Fonts Distribution---------------------------------A. Create an SMB share on an Intranet accessible directory \\SOFTWARE\FONTS\Kim-Connect.ttfB. Create a new…

PowerShell: Increase Default Windows 260-Character Paths Limit

Problem: Error when trying to rename files manually:'The source files name(s) are larger than is…

PowerShell: Windows Systems State Backup Daily

# Windows-Systems-State-Backup-V0.1.ps1## What this script does:# 1. Create a Windows Scheduled task on an Active…

PowerShell: How to Properly Delete a Msol User Account

# Set the user ObjectID attribute variable$msolUser="6f2fcfcd-...."# Move user account to Recycle BinRemove-MsolUser -ObjectId $msolUser#…

PowerShell: Play with Time

1. Constructor: $timer=[System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() 2. Accessing a property $totalSeconds=$timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds 3. Output Time (Usage): $hours=[math]::round($totalSeconds/3600,2)write-host "It has…

PowerShell: Accessing the Reflection Assembly Class to Retrieve User Context

Step 1: Accessing Reflection Assembly namespace to call method Load with Windows Account Management as…