Month: March 2021

Microsoft SQL: Login failed for user ‘sa’. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)

Error: ===================================Cannot connect to SQL-SERVER===================================Login failed for user 'sa'. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider) Resolution: 1.…

PowerShell: How to Disable Users Authenticated Control (UAC)

This has been tested on Windows Server 2008, 2016, and 2019. Nothing fancy, just copy/paste…

Kubernetes – Pausing Applications by Scaling Deployments or Stateful Sets

# Pause application kubectl scale deploy nextcloud --replicas=0 kubectl scale statefulsets nextcloud-db-postgresql --replicas=0 kubectl scale…

PowerShell: Perform Windows Discovery of Services, Connections, and Security Settings

# windowsDiscovery.ps1 function checkSpectreVulnerability($computer=$env:computername){ $command={ $patchedVersion="10.0.14393.2842" $actualVersion=(Get-Item C:\Windows\system32\mcupdate_genuineintel.dll | select VersionInfo).VersionInfo.ProductVersion $intelDllPatched=[version]$actualVersion -ge [version]$patchedVersion <#…

How To Install Google Earth on Linux Mint, Debian, or Ubuntu

# Install Google Earth cd /tmp wget sudo dpkg -i google-earth-pro-stable_current_amd64.deb # Run the…

PowerShell: Update CSV File Using Active Directory

# adAccountsCsvUpdate.ps1 $originalCsv='C:\Users\rambo\Desktop\kimconnectUsers.csv' $newCsv='C:\Users\rambo\Desktop\kimconnectUsers-processed.csv' $newEmailSuffix='' $newOu='OU=Test,DC=kimconnect,DC=com' function adAccountsCsvUpdate{ param( $originalCsv, $newCsv, $newEmailSuffix, $newOu ) function…

Installing IBM VPN Client

On a Linux Machine # Install VPN Client shellScript= cd Desktop wget $shellScript sudo ./…

PowerShell: Dealing with Service Principle Names (SPNs)

Basic Commands: # Show SPNs$computername="$env:computername"Get-ADComputer -Identity $computername -Properties ServicePrincipalNames |Select-Object -ExpandProperty ServicePrincipalNames# Add one SPNSet-ADComputer…

Installing VMWare Tools on Linux Guest Virtual Machines

Installation Process # Installing VMWare Tools mkdir /mnt/cdrom mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom cp /mnt/cdrom/VMwareTools-*.tar.gz /tmp/ cd…

Resolving DNS Delegation Error: IP: [Missing glue A record]

Sample Output of DNS diagnostics: PS C:\Windows\system32> dcdiag /test:dns /s:TEST-DC01 Directory Server Diagnosis Performing initial…