Day: March 31, 2019

Server Cleanup

Install msizap.exe by installing the SDK package . Run msizap to clean up temporary files…

How to set VNC shortcut to run as another user

In order to make the VNC program run as another user you can do either…

Juniper Configuration

Piece of cake - no need to write anything here.

IP Address Summarization

Requirements: - 8+ subnets per site - 3+ sites - 500+ IPs per subnet -…

SAN Dell Equallogic PS6100E

Per documentation: Port density requirements to support fully redundant configurations and maximum SAN throughput for…

Logon Scripts

Purposes: Mapping network drives Installing and setting a user’s default printer Collecting computer system information…

Re-register PolicyAgent ipsecsvc.dll

Click the Start button. Type "command" in the search box... DO NOT hit ENTER yet!…

Use psexec to install application remotely

psexec @ComputerList.txt -u domain\administrator cmd /s /c "xcopy "\\NetworkPath\Forefront Software\Install.exe" "C:\Windows" && Install.exe /u /s…

PowerShell: Error when Pause is Placed Inside Function

Error: + Function Search-ScheduledTasks{+ ~Missing closing '}' in statement block or type definition.At C:\Users\kdoan\Desktop\Notes\test.ps1:57 char:1+…

SMB 1 vs SMB2 Compatibility Issues

Cause: "SMB 1.0 is deprecated. Once this is removed, systems running Windows XP or Windows…

Increase Windows Management Instrumentation Service Handle Quota Limit

WMI.ps1----------------------------------------------$config = gwmi -Class "__ProviderHostQuotaConfiguration" -Namespace root$config | select -Property * -ExcludeProperty __* | ft…

MS SQL Maintenance

Below is a list of practical SQL snippets to administer Microsoft databases: -- Shrink Database:…

Set up centralized logging on Windows Server

Server: # winrm qc If this computer has VMWare workstation installed, it's "public network" needs…

Limitations: VM Import to AWS

VM to AWS instance limitations: - Cannot import VMs that have been created via P2V…

Windows Domain Controller restore Procedure

1. Terminate instance on AWS or Delete VM from VMWare 2. Perform these steps on…

How to Analyze Inbound / Outbound Traffic

Connect to the PacketShaper by entering the following into your web browser:       You will…

Increase memory allowance for WMI

Run: wbemtest.exe >> click Connect >> Namespace = root >> Connect >> click Enum Instances…

Sendmail Batch File

1. Download: 2. Place it in C:\Windows\System32   sendmail.bat --------------------------- senditquiet.exe -s -port 587…

Microsoft SQL: Force ReportServer database out of being stuck in recovery mode

Error: ALTER DATABASE is not permitted while a database is in the Restoring state. Should…