Day: April 12, 2019

PowerShell Legacy Versions: How to Check Connection of Servers on Certain Ports?

A more updated version is available here. function Check-NetConnection($server, $port) { $session = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient;…

SQL Language (Condensed)

SELECT [DISTINCT | MIN | MAX] column1 [AS alias]FROM table_nameWHERE condition [IS NULL|IS NOT NULL]…

Regular Expression (RegEx) Overview

A good online tool to test your regex skills: Syntax: 1. /pattern/flags2. New RegExp(pattern,…

Troubleshooting or Software Debugging Steps

1. Validate the problem2. Find to root cause by tailing logs or stack tracing3. Reproduce…

Microsoft IIS-7 Application Pools

Why run applications inside Application pools? It's a recommended practice to isolate applications even if…