Day: April 26, 2019

PowerShell: Get-NetTCPConnection for Windows 7 & 2008

On Windows 8 & 2012, there's this nifty function named Get-NetTCPConnection that is useful to…

PowerShell: Error While Invoking Functions Containing 2 Parameters

Issue: This function will raise an error when being invoked: function localFunc ($x, $y){ begin{}…

Ubuntu: Adding and Remove Repositories (Repos)

The following is a blunder I've made while attempting to install Acrobat Reader on Ubuntu…

Python: Module vs Package vs Library vs Framework

Module is a file which contains various Python functions and global variables. It is simply…

Python: Package Installer for Python (PIP)

This comes preinstalled with Python 3.4 or higher. Similar to the Microsoft PowerShell Gallery,…