Day: June 7, 2019

Microsoft Hyper-V: Creating Windows Template (Golden Image)

Steps to Create a Windows Template Assuming that the Windows Template guest VM has already…

PowerShell Commands to Discover the Server Network, Netmask, DHCP status, and Gateway

$servername = "SERVER01"get-wmiobject win32_networkadapterconfiguration -computername $servername -ea stop | ? {$_.IPEnabled}# Result:DHCPEnabled      :…

VMWare vSphere Site Recovery Manager (SRM)

1. Creating folders to group VM clients for application From Home > vCenter > Select…

Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)

/bin : binaries to run fundamental Linux functions/boot : boot partition/cdrom : legacy mounting point/dev…

Overview of Microsoft Azure Networking

Private connections into Azure are either via ExpressRoute (comparable to AWS DirectConnect) or VPN. The…