Day: July 9, 2019

Repair Windows Server 2016 Error 0x800f081f

Run this function in PowerShell as Administrator: function resetWindowsUpdate{ # Source: write-host 'Resetting Windows…

PowerShell: Set DNS Servers on Localhost

Display the current DNS Server Entries PS C:\Users\KimConnect> Get-DnsClientServerAddressInterfaceAlias Interface Address ServerAddressesIndex Family-------------- --------- -------…

Windows 2016 Cumulative Roll-up Install

Use this method to apply cumulative roll-ups that would not successfully apply via Automatic Updates:…

PowerShell: DHCP Server Migration

Nowadays, being lazy is good. Why waste energy with clicking buttons when there are a…

PowerShell: Resolve “CredSSP encryption oracle remediation” Error on Windows 2016

Error message: An authentication error has occurred. The function requested is not supported. Remote computer:…

PowerShell: Enabling and Disabling Network Level Authentication (NLA)

NLA is Microsoft's answer to mitigate some DDoS attacks via remote desktop (RDP). It uses…