Day: August 29, 2019

PowerShell: Trigger Azure AD Sync on Remote Server as a Domain Admin

# Trigger-AD-Sync.ps1# Requirements: This script does these things:# a. Obtain Domain Admin credential# b.…

PowerShell: How to Logoff an User RDP Session

# logOffUser.ps1 $servername=$env:computername $userName='brucelee' function logOffRdpSession{ param( $serverName=$env:computername, $username ) $username=if($username -match '\\'){[regex]::match($username,'\\(.*)$').captures.groups.value[1] }else{ $username.tostring()…

PowerShell: How to Call a Batch File to Run-As Administrator

Step 1: Create a Batch File and place it inside C:\scripts @echo off powercfg.exe -x…

PowerShell: Manually Create Failover Cluster SMB Shares

# Set three variables$shareName="someShare"$smbServer="someClusteredVServer"$sharePath="S:\Shares\someShare"# Generate Domain Admins label$subdomain=(net config workstation) -match 'Workstation domain\s+\S+$' -replace '.+?(\S+)$','$1'$domainadmins="$subdomain`\Domain…

PowerShell: Grant Domain Admins Access to Directories

Snippet: # Messing around$shareDrives=@("E","F","G","I","J","N",'O','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','Z','Y');$subdomain=(net config workstation) -match 'Workstation domain\s+\S+$' -replace '.+?(\S+)$','$1';$domainadmins="$subdomain`\Domain Admins"; $shareDrives | %{"Add-NTFSAccess…