Day: August 30, 2019

PowerShell: Scan a Subnet for Used and Unused IPs

A newer version of this script is available here. function scanForAvailableIPs{ param( $cidrBlock=$( $interfaceIndex=(Get-WmiObject -Class…

How to Change a Disk Signature using Diskpart

Application: to potentially resolve issues with duplicate disk signature in a Windows Virtual Machine Symptom:…

1-Liner to Find Host of Virtual Machine in Hyper-V

PS C:\Users\testAdmin> (get-item "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Virtual Machine\Guest\Parameters").GetValue("HostName")

Some Useful Windows Commands to Troubleshoot Networking on Windoze

# Check this computer's trust relationship to its domain controllers$domainName=""PS C:\Windows\system32> nltest /SC_QUERY:$domainNameFlags: 0Trusted DC…

PowerShell: Quickly Start Services that were Set to Auto

Quick Liners: # Command to checkGet-WmiObject -ClassName Win32_Service -Filter "StartMode='Auto' AND State<>'Running'" | Format-Table -Auto…