Month: June 2020

PowerShell: Error Unable to find package provider ‘NuGet’ Resolved

How to install module in Powow Shill Current Version: $moduleCommand='New-SSHSession' $moduleName='Posh-SSH' if(!(get-command $moduleCommand -ea Ignore)){…

PowerShell: Convert Local Path to UNC Path

function convertLocalToUnc($localPath,$computername){ $uncPath=.{$x=$localPath -replace "^([a-zA-Z])\:","\\$computername\`$1`$"; if($x -match '\\$'){return $x.Substring(0,$x.length-1)}else{return $x} } $validLocal=if($localPath){test-path $localPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue}else{$false}…

PowerShell: Stream Reader

Have you ran into scripting situations where opening a file would result in locking from…

PowerShell: Mount A Remote SMB/CIFS/NFS Share as a Specific User

This function is useful in scenarios where a separate user account is needed to mount…

PowerShell: Deploy Choco Apps

Deployment Instructions: Create a batch file with this content to call this PowerShell Script @echo…

Windows Group Policy: Set Chrome as Default with a Home Page

Opinion: So... your company wants to standardize on Chrome, eh? I must say that I…

PowerShell: Outdated Method of Sending Emails

# Credentials section $emailFrom = "[email protected]" $password = "eatYourSalad!" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force # plaintext…

CentOS & Redhat Linux VS Exfat

Have you ever encountered this error: "Unable to access $$$ GB Volume" Error mounting /dev/mmcblk0…

Administering CentOS 8 with Cockpit

CentOS 8 default installation already has this utility installed. To render it active, one only…

How to install RetroArch on CentOS 8

RetroArch is a nice front-end GUI to enable a computer to emulate various console systems…

Installing Kubernetes on CentOS 8.1

Step 1: Preparing All Nodes # Installing prerequisites # Update before installation sudo su yum…

Linux Swap File Operations

Example: create, increase, or decrease existing swap file size swapoff -a # turn off swapping…

Disable Screensaver on CentOS 8

Here are a couple of tricks that worked in the past. I don't think they…

BASH: Basic AWK Training

At first, AWK resembles the first three letter of 'awkward'. Nope, it's a scripting language…

PowerShell: Reset Password for All Users inside an OU

$ouName="Funky Dudes" $ouPath = "ou=$ouName,dc=intranet,dc=baam,dc=com" $plaintextPassword='WHATPASSWORD?' $users=Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $ouPath | Select-object Name,UserPrincipalName,DistinguishedName foreach…