Day: September 29, 2020

Hyper-V Live Migration Error 0x8007003B

Symptom: Live migration of 'Virtual Machine TESTVM' failed.Virtual machine migration operation for 'TESTVM' failed at…

PowerShell: Set Virtual Machine Default Paths on Hyper-V Host of a Cluster

$newVirtualMachinePath='D:\VirtualMachines' $newVirtualHardDiskPath='D:\VirtualMachines' function getHyperVHostsInForest{ function includeRSAT{ $ErrorActionPreference='stop' [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 #$rsatWindows7x32='' $rsatWindows7x64='' $rsatWindows81='' $rsat1709 =…

How To Change Default Backup Directory of Microsoft SQL Server

Option 1: Use the GUI Run Ssms.exe > login as sa > Right-click SQL Server…