Month: August 2021

Linux: Bash Shell Script To Move/Archive Old Files

# create a script to move files (notice the regex escape for special chars) sudo…

Should I Choose the Motherboard (Fake) Hardware Raid Or Software RAID?

Motherboard Hardware Raid: - Advantages: - OS Independence - Easier to setup and use- Disadvantages:…

Quick Command To Get Windows Version

To Get Windows Version as String: (Get-WmiObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption [deesee1]: PS C:\Users\kimconnect> (Get-WmiObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem).CaptionMicrosoft…

How To Use NXLog On A Windows Client

Step 1: Setup Server - Install a log aggregation server is out of scope of…

PowerShell: Create and Edit SMB Shares

# Create SMB Share $sharePath='C:\testshare' $accessList="$env:USERDOMAIN\Domain Admins","NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users" $shareName=split-path $sharePath -leaf mkdir $sharePath New-SmbShare…

Active Directory Group Policy – HIPPA Auditing

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law that required the…

PowerShell: Allow Log On To Remote Desktop Service

# editWindowsSecurity.ps1 # Version 0.0.1 # Notes: # - This has NOT been thoroughly tested.…

Windows WSL: How to Fix Broken bashrc File

Problem: When there's an incorrect setup of Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), where $HOME/.bashrc is…

Pihole Error: Tried 100 Times to Connect to FTL Server

Error Message: DataTables warning: table id=all-queries - Tried 100 times to connect to FTL server,…

Useful Linux Command Aliases

# Create an alias command lsn to display files with numerical representation of schmod permissions…

How To Move WordPress Site To Kubernetes Cluster

a. Create backups of source files and database - Logon to Current Hosting Provider to…

Linux: How to Create RSA Keys and SSH Agent

Step 1: Generate RSA Key # Command to generate rsa key for Ubuntu Linuxssh-keygen -t…

Dynamics NFS Provisioning in Kubernetes Cluster

Step 1: Creating NFS Server A. Create NFS Share on File ServerThere are many ways…