Day: October 28, 2021

How to Cramp For a Test

From my experience, the trick to memorizing 10,000+ questions and answers at the 90% accuracy…

Bash Shell: Rename Files – Prepend and Append

Pre-pending # Prepend any file that doesn't have the word "/thumbs_" in its full path…

PowerShell: Add User To Group in Active Directory

$userId='kimconnect' $groupName='Remote Desktop Users' function addUserToGroup($userId,$groupName){ $userExists=Get-ADGroupMember $groupName|?{$_.SamAccountName -eq $userId} if(!$userExists){ Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $groupName -Members…

Domain Name Records Overview: A-record, MX, DKIM, SPF, SRV

A RECORD (A-host): - What: address record (A-record) specifies the IP address(es) of a given…