Day: November 4, 2021

PowerShell: Add New Virtual Disk to Existing Guest VM in Hyper-V

# Adding disks (optional) $newVMNames='TestWindows2019' $extraDiskSize='200GB' if($extraDiskSize){ foreach($newVmName in $newVMNames){ STOP-VM -vmname $newVmName $diskFile=(join-path $destinationFolder…

PowerShell: Check IP Conflicts of Computers in Active Directory

We have ran into issues where a group of virtual machines living on a DHCP…

How to Obtain Mac Address of Remote Computer

# PowerShell $computername='TESTSERVER' Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter "IPEnabled='True'" -ComputerName $computername|Select-Object -Property MACAddress, Description # Sample…