# Rename Hyper-V Clustered Resource: Guess VM
$vm=Get-clustergroup -Cluster (get-cluster).Name -Name $oldName
# Rename Hyper-V Object. This must be executed on the owner node
invoke-command -computername $ownerNode {
param ($oldName,$newName)
Rename-VM $oldName -NewName $newName
write-host "Guest VM $oldName has been renamed to $newName"
stop-vm $newName
$disks=(get-vm $newName|Get-VMHardDiskDrive).Path
$primaryStoragePath=$disks|%{split-path $_ -parent}|select -first 1
$newPath=$(split-path $primaryStoragePath -Parent)+'\'+$newName
$null=mkdir $newPath -force
Move-VMStorage $newName -DestinationStoragePath $newPath
start-vm $newName
write-host "Old storage path: $primaryStoragePath`r`nNew Storage Path: $newPath"
write-host "Please verify that the old storage path is empty and remove old storage path manually."
write-warning $_
} -Args $oldName,$newName
Sample Output: Guest VM testWindows has been renamed to server01.intranet.kimconnect.com Old storage path: \\fileserver\vms\testWindows New Storage Path: \fileserver\vms\server01.intranet.kimconnect.com Please verify that the old storage path is empty and remove old storage path manually.