Part 1: Creating Hyper-V Guest VM From a Virtual Disk
# createHyperVGuestVmFromDisk.ps1
# Version 0.02
# The intent of this script is to create a Hyper-V Guest VM basing on existing backup VHDX file(s)
$secureBoot=$true # Windows: True, Linux: False
$extraDisks=@($null) # $extraDisks=@('test')
function createHyperVGuestVmFromDisk{
$ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'
function confirmation($content,$testValue="I confirm",$maxAttempts=3){
write-host $($content|out-string).trim()
write-host "`r`nPlease review this content for accuracy.`r`n"
while ($attempts -le $maxAttempts){
if($attempts++ -ge $maxAttempts){
write-host "A maximum number of attempts have reached. No confirmations received!`r`n"
$userInput = Read-Host -Prompt "Please type in this value => $testValue <= to confirm. Input CANCEL to skip this item";
if ($userInput.ToLower() -eq $testValue.ToLower()){
write-host "Confirmed!`r`n";
}elseif($userInput.tolower() -in $cancelCondition){
write-host 'Cancel command received.'
write-host "Attempt number $attempts of $maxAttempts`: $userInput does not match $testValue. Try again or Input CANCEL to skip this item`r`n"
return $confirmed
if(!(test-path $newFolder)){new-item -ItemType Directory -Path $newFolder -force}
if(!(test-path $newVhdx)){
New-Item -ItemType File -Path $newVhdx -Force # touch before copying contents
Copy-Item -Path $sourceVhdx -Destination $newVhdx
write-warning "Volume $newVhdx already exists. Thus, that VMDK will be used instead of a clone."
New-VM -Name $newVmName `
-MemoryStartupBytes $($memory/1) `
-BootDevice VHD `
-VHDPath $newVhdx `
-Path $newFolder `
-Generation $generation `
-Switch $network
if($vlan){Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -VMName $newVmName -Access -VlanId $vlan}
if($cpus -gt 1){Set-VMProcessor $newVmName -Count $cpus}
Set-VMProcessor $newVmName -CompatibilityForMigrationEnabled $true
if(!$secureBoot){Set-VMFirmware -VMName $newVmName -DisableSecureBoot}
# Adding disks (optional)
for($i=0;$i -lt $extraDisks.count;$i++){
$isvalidDisk=if(test-path $extraDisk){$extraDisk}else{$null}
$newDiskPath=(join-path $destinationFolder $vmName) + "\$vmName`_disk$($i+1).vmdk"
if(!(test-path $newDiskPath)){
New-Item -ItemType File -Path $newDiskPath -Force # touch before copying contents
Copy-Item -Path $extraDisk -Destination $newDiskPath
write-warning "Volume $newDiskPath already exists. Thus, that VMDK will be used instead of a copy."
Add-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $newVmName -Path $newDiskPath
write-warning "Disk path '$extraDisk' in invalid."
write-host "$newVmName has no extra disks to attach."
$disksToRemove=[array]$extraDisks+$sourceVhdx|?{$_} # join string to array and remove empty entries
foreach($diskToRemove in $disksToRemove){
$confirmed=confirmation "Remove source disk $diskToRemove"
remove-item $diskToRemove -force
write-host "$diskToRemove NOT removed."
start-vm $newVmName
return $true
write-warning "$($error[0])"
return $false
createHyperVGuestVmFromDisk $sourceVhdx `
$newVmName `
$destinationFolder `
$memory `
$cpus `
$network `
$vlan `
$extraDisks `
$generation `
$secureBoot `
$onlineVm `
Part 2: Adding New VM to Cluster
function addVmToCluster{
foreach ($vmName in $vmNames){
#Start-VM -Name $vmName -EA Stop
if(!$targetCluster){$targetCluster=(get-cluster -ea SilentlyContinue).Name}
$null=Add-ClusterVirtualMachineRole -Cluster $targetCluster -VirtualMachine $vmName -EA Stop
write-host "No clusters defined."
$moved=if(get-cluster -ea SilentlyContinue){Move-ClusterVirtualMachineRole $newVmName}else{$false}
if($moved){write-host "'$newVmname' has been moved to $($moved.OwnerNode)"}
write-warning "$($error[0])"
return $results
addVmToCluster $newVmName
Possible Error Message:
Microsoft Hyper-V UEFI
Virtual Machine Boot Summary
1.SCSI Disk (0,0) the boot loader did not load an operating system
2. Network adapter (00155D406142) a boot image was not found
No operating system was loaded. Your virtual machine may be configured incorrectly. Exit and rec-configure your VM or click restart to retry the current boot sequence again.
The case where this error has been thrown has been associated with an incorrect virtual machine generation type. Hence, the resolution has been:
A. Convert Generation 2 machine type back to Generation 1 as the original source disk VM must match its re-creation.
B. The misconfigured VM must be ‘deleted’ and re-created as a Generation 1 VM.
# Converting Generation 2 virtual disk to Gen 1
Convert-VHD -Path $diskFile -DestinationPath $fixedFile -VHDType Dynamic