The following snippet assumes that a Windows machine has access to download Microsoft patches directly from the Internet

# applyMsuPatch.ps1
# Assuptions:
# a. Jump host has access to download from Microsoft
# b. Jump host has WinRM and SMB access to target Windows machine

# User inputs

# Autogen variables
$remoteSmbPath=join-path $('\\'+$computerName+"\$translatedVolume") $translatedFoldername

    # Download the file directly onto target server's staging folder
    Import-Module BitsTransfer
    if(!(test-path $remoteSmbPath)){$null=mkdir $remoteSmbPath}
    # Start-BitsTransfer -Source $fileURL -Destination $output
    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
    Start-BitsTransfer -Source $fileURL -Destination $remoteSmbPath
    write-warning $_
    return $false

$psSession=new-pssession $computerName
if($psSession.State -eq 'Opened'){
    invoke-command -Session $psSession -ScriptBlock{
        # Generate variables
        $msuFile=join-path $stageFolder $fileName
        $logFile=join-path $stageFolder "$([System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($msuFile)).log"
        # $expectedCabFile=join-path $stageFolder "$([System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($msuFile)).cab"
        $expectedCabFile=join-path $stageFolder "$"      

            # Extracting MSU into CAB
            # if(!(test-path $stageFolder)){$null=mkdir $stageFolder}
            $command="expand -F:* $msuFile $stageFolder"
            write-host $command
            invoke-expression $command

            # Check system
            $alreadyInstalled=$kb -in $hotFixes

            # Use DISM to apply the patch
                dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:$expectedCabFile /quiet /norestart /logpath:$logFile
                # Alternative method of applying the patch
                # Start-Process -FilePath "wusa.exe" -ArgumentList "$output /quiet /norestart" -Wait
                write-host "$kb is already installed on $env:computername"
            rm C:\Temp\*.*
            write-warning $_
    } -Args $stageFolder,$fileName
    Remove-PSSession $psSession
    write-warning "Unable to connect to $computername via WinRM"