Creating New Logical Network
$logicalNetworkID="somehash-hash-hash" $newNetworkName='Test Network' $subnet="192.168.500.0/24" $logicalNetwork = Get-SCLogicalNetwork -ID $logicalNetworkID $vmNetwork = New-SCVMNetwork -Name $newNetworkName -LogicalNetwork $logicalNetwork -IsolationType "WindowsNetworkVirtualization" -CAIPAddressPoolType "IPV4" -PAIPAddressPoolType "IPV4" Write-Output $vmNetwork $subnet = New-SCSubnetVLan -Subnet $subnet New-SCVMSubnet -Name $newNetworkName -VMNetwork $vmNetwork -SubnetVLan $subnet -EnableEncryption $false
Remove Logical Network in VMM
$scvmNetworkName='Test Network' Get-SCVMNetwork -Name $scvmNetworkName |Remove-SCVMNetwork
Error Message
Remove-SCVMNetwork : VMM is unable to delete the VMNetwork 'Test Network' because other objects, such as VMSubnets, Load balancer templates and Virtual network adapters depend on it. (Error ID: 15011) Remove the VMNetwork association with all dependent resources, and then remove the VMNetwork. To restart the job, run the following command: PS> Restart-Job -Job (Get-VMMServer localhost | Get-Job | where { $_.ID -eq "{somehash-hash-hash}"}) At line:1 char:47 + Get-SCVMNetwork -Name "Test Network"|Remove-SCVMNetwork + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : ReadError: (:) [Remove-SCVMNetwork], CarmineException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : 15011,Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.Cmdlets.RemoveSCVMNetworkCmdlet
Resolve Error 15011
Run Virtual Machine Manager Console > Navigate to 'VMs and services' > 'VM Networks' > right-click the Logical Network > Properties > Depedencies > Delete all subnet dependencies > OK > right-click the Logical Network again > Delete > OK