Often, when we install applications such as Python, its bin directory may not automatically be added to the OS environmental paths. Most of us would use the command $env:path+=”;$appendPath” to work around this issue; however, such command only works for that single user or session.

How do we make a permanent change to the System Environmental paths? Here’s a function for that.

*** WARNING: this is only for educational purposes. Please DO NOT apply this to PRODUCTION systems without knowing what you’re doing as misuse can lead to system failures! Please consult a professional. Caveat Emptor! ***

$appendPath='C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin' # 'C:\Python38\Scripts'

function appendEnvironmentPaths($appendPath){
    $appendPath=if($appendPath -match '\\$'){$appendPath.Substring(0,$appendPath.Length-1)}else{$appendPath}
    $regEnvironmentPaths='Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment'
    $systemPaths=(Get-ItemProperty -Path $regEnvironmentPaths -Name $regKeyname)."$regKeyname"
    $systemPathsArray=$systemPaths -split ';'
            $path=if($_ -match '\\$'){$_.Substring(0,$_.Length-1)}else{$_}
            if($path -eq $appendPath){
                return $true
        Set-Itemproperty -path $regEnvironmentPaths -Name $regKeyname -value $systemPaths
        write-host "$appendPath has been appended:`r`n$systemPaths"
        $env:Path=[System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User")
        write-host "$appendPath already exists in System Paths:`r`n$systemPaths"

appendEnvironmentPaths $appendPath