# Assumptions:
# - Guest VM files are stored at a single location
# - The service account or admin user has access to source and destination
# - Source and destination storage paths are joined to the same domain


# step 1: Stop VM at Source and copy its files to Destination Storage
$vm=try{get-vm $vmName}catch{$null}
if($null -ne $vm){
    stop-vm $vmName -force -Confirm:$false
    # Remove-VM -VM $vm -DeletePermanently:$false -Confirm:$false # Unregister VM
    robocopy $sourceStorage $destinationStorage /E /R:0 /NP
    write-warning "$vmName is not found."

# Step 2: Register VM at destination
$vmPath=join-path $parentPath '\Virtual Machines\'
$vmcxFile=(gci $vmpath|?{$_.extension -like '.vmcx'}).FullName
Import-VM -Path $vmcxFile -copy $parentPath -GenerateNewId

# Step 3: Make adjustments

# While disconnected from network, run this command within the Windows VM
C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\sysprep.exe /generalize
# Connect VM to the correct subnet / vlan
# Join to domain if necessary
# Verify that all disks are attached

# Step 4: Add vm into cluster
function addVmToCluster{
            $targetCluster=(get-cluster -ea SilentlyContinue).Name
            Add-ClusterVirtualMachineRole -Cluster $targetCluster -VirtualMachine $vmName -EA Stop
            return $true
            write-host "No clusters defined."
            return $false
        write-warning "$($error[0])"
        return $false
addVmToCluster $vmName $targetCluster