Connect to the Controller Client
Start > Run > mstsc > input DOORSECURITY01 > connect > when prompted, enter your logon username and password (the same as logging into your computer) > click OK
Now locate the icon for Keri Systems Client and double-click on it. The application user interface should launch > now, you may log into the Keri system and make changes
When you’re all finished please close out of the Keri software and then log off the computer by clicking on Start then Log Off. This will properly end your session and bring you back to the desktop on your computer.
How to use Keri system to look at FOB/door access panels
You can use the KVM in the server room in order to connect to DOORSECURITY01 which is the Keri server. There is an icon for Keri Systems Client and login using these credentials:
Username – admin
Password – admin (default)
In order to view the different panels which control the different door FOB/access readers: click on the Setup tab > Hardware Setup > Panels
Panel 1-
Panel 2-
Panel 3-
Panel 4-
Take a look around and get some briefing from me, if necessary. Otherwise, things are pritty self explanatory.
When you’re all finished please close out of the Keri software and then log off the computer by clicking on Start then Log Off. This will properly end your session and bring you back to the desktop on your computer.