Important Mods to Zencart
OC GOLD® setup:
Zens Footer copyright info is moded at the “english.php”:
FOOTER_TEXT_BODY’, ‘Copyright © 2006 ” target=”_blank”>yoursite. Operated by ” target=”_blank”>yoursite
Logo Change
EZPages on SiteMap:
Zencart Sitemap:
More Zencart Tools can be found here:
Zencart Gallery2 Integration:
Remove meta author and meta generator
0.1 Security for Admin Panel –
1. Selling gold?
Instructions missing a copying of /includes/modules/pages/product_info into /includes/modules/pages/product_gold_info
Check forum:
Since XE gold prices update more accurately than Oanda, wwitch your default update order to use xe first, by switching the oanda and xe values in these settings: /admin/includes/init_includes/init_general_funcs.php:
// Define how do we update currency exchange rates
// Possible values are ‘oanda’ ‘xe’ or ”
define(‘CURRENCY_SERVER_PRIMARY’, ‘oanda’);
1.1 Automatic Currency Updates
Make cron job accessible to auto-update:
define(‘EMAIL_USE_HTML’, false);
use CPanel to define these jobs:
GET “” >> /dev/null 2>&1
GET “” >> /dev/null 2>&1
/admin/init_includes/init_admin_auth.php — add this:
if (!isset($_SESSION[‘admin_id’]) && defined(‘CRON_ADMIN_USER_ID’) && CRON_ADMIN_USER_ID != ”) { $_SESSION[‘admin_id’] = CRON_ADMIN_USER_ID; }
Use phpMyAdmin to create an Admin account with user ID = XXXX
create a file called “” in /home/ocgold/public_html/
GET “” >> /dev/null 2>&1
sleep 10
GET “” >> /dev/null 2>&1
create a cron job
sh /home/ocgold/public_html/
Edit admin/currencies.php to add a line making sure that Zero values will not throw off prices..
if (zen_not_null($rate))
if (zen_not_null($rate) && $rate != 0)
1.5 Display links:
USA Patriot Act Compliance
Jewelers Vigilance Commitee
Second Hand Dealer’s License #
Registered with State Attorney’s General
1.6 Image Handler for 3.8.x
The following files must be backed up prior to installation:
1.7 Testimonials Manager
1.8 Links Manager
2. Ultimate SEO URLs (not working correctly)
13. Ceon URI Mapping (SEO)
3. WordPress On ZenCart
User Integration:
{this plugin doesn’t work} Admin Login as Customer:
Encrypted Master Password:
Follow the instructions, then do this at the end Admin Panel -> Tools -> WOZ Manager -> Ceon URI Mapping Setting
Edit: public_html/includes/init_includes/init_ceon_uri_mapping.php
Add the new lines shown, around approx line 115:
$uri_to_match = preg_replace(‘/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.\/%]/’, ”, $request_uri);
// for WordPress On ZenCart BOF
$woz_uri_query = “
um.main_page = ‘” . FILENAME_WORDPRESS . “‘
BIT_LENGTH(um.uri) DESC;”;
$woz_uri_result = $db->Execute($woz_uri_query);
$woz_uri = ”;
while (!$woz_uri_result->EOF) {
$woz_uri = $woz_uri_result->fields[‘uri’];
if(ereg(“^$woz_uri”, $uri_to_match)){
if(ereg(“/comments/feed/”, $uri_to_match)){
$_GET[‘feed’] = ‘comments-rss2’;
}else if(ereg(“/feed/”, $uri_to_match)){
$_GET[‘feed’] = ‘rss2’;
$uri_to_match = $woz_uri;
// for WordPress On ZenCart EOF
if (substr($uri_to_match, -1) == ‘/’) {
Remove WordPress Meta Junkie Links:
Make posts show up on front page:
Admin-Tools-define main page
?>$posts = get_posts(‘numberposts=1’); // change to whatever number of posts to show
foreach($posts as $post) :
To remove “Meta” Log in WordPress Admin – Appearance – Editor – sidebar.php (right hand side)
————————- Admin | Define Pages Editor | Main Page —————–
// Include WordPress
define(‘WP_USE_THEMES’, false);
4. PO Box Ban
5. Ebay Exporter
For Seller Manager Pro or Turbo Lister 2.0
6. Maximum Amount Allowed in Shopping Cart
7. Credit Card Fraud Detection – Maxmind
8. Monthly Sales and Tax Summary Report
9. Click-n-Ship AutoFill Button
10. Zen Cart Order Manager
Must sign up for’s $10/month service
11. Add Shipping Telephone
12. Ask A Question
14. Jgallery
15. Image Handler 2 for v1.3.x
16. Google Maps
17. Testimonial Manager
18. Google Base (Froogle) Feeder
Zencart with Changes:
– Change the index page with business maps: /
– Make sure that Google robot is allowed to index your site /public_html/includes/templates/ocean_front/common/html_header.php
– Optional: Remove / replace “Contact Us” to control spam hackers: /includes/templates/template_default/templates/tpl_contact_us_default.php
– Email options: remove “tell a friend” function as that is being used by spammers
– Change the tags: /public_html/includes/languages/english/meta_tags.php
– Change image sizes: configuration, images
– Change the logo:
– Edit header text line (blue browser bar): /public_html/includes/languages/english/header.php and index.php
– Edit Location below header search box: /public_html/includes/templates/ocean_front/sideboxes/tpl_search_header.php
– Title Bar Change: /public_html/includes/languages/english/ocean_front/meta_tags.php
– Change the top body middle portion to display Phone number: /public_html/includes/languages/english/ocean_front/header.php
– Add a tab link to blog: edit /public_html/includes/templates/ocean_front/common/tbl_header.php
– Edit the body of front page in tools – define pages editor – define_main_page.php
– Edit the headline of the body: /public_html/includes/languages/english/ocean_front/index.php
– Edit footer: /public_html/includes/languages/ocean_front/english.php
– Change the word “Categories” /public_html/includes/languages/ocean_front/english.php Line #77 : define(‘BOX_HEADING_CATEGORIES’, ‘Categories’);
– CFK Editor:
– Activate Godaddy CURL for Paypal/Zencart:
– Set payment module: modules, payment
– Set up Paypal Express:
– Edit Left/Right Columns: Tools, Layout Boxes Controller
– Location, Taxes: Define Zone and rate
– Shipping module
– Tools, Define Pages Editor: make text changes to reflect policies and contact information
– Main page featured products sort
Edits to featured_products.php:
1. append “order by featured_sort_id” to the two select statements
2. change ExecuteRandomMulti() to Execute()
3. change MoveNextRandom() to MoveNext()
First I created a new field “featured_sort_id” in “products_description” table.
Create custom page in Zencart with keywords for SEO purposes:
1. Download this tool to generate the files:
2. Upload via FTP
3. Control panel – Tools – Define Pages Editor
4. Use CEON-URI to create ezpage: Tools – EzPages
After adding sort_id’s to each product I edited featured_products.php (as below) and placed in /includes/modules/custom/
Edits to featured_products.php:
1. append “order by featured_sort_id” to the two select statements
2. change ExecuteRandomMulti() to Execute()
3. change MoveNextRandom() to MoveNext()
remove “sold out” button: /public_html/includes/templates/ocean_front/buttons/english/button_sold_out_sm.gif
remove filter results box: Admin-Configuration-Product Listing; `Include Product Listing Alpha Sorter Dropdown = false
Activate Header background: /public_html/includes/templates/ocean_front/css/stylesheet.css -==> Look for: #logoWrapper ==> update background image to template’s image folder
WRONG! Zens Footer copyright info is moded at the “english.php”:
FOOTER_TEXT_BODY’, ‘Copyright © 2007” target=”_blank”>OC GOLD. All purchases are subject to availability.
Logo Change
EZPages on SiteMap:
Zencart Sitemap:
More Zencart Tools can be found here:
Zencart Gallery2 Integration:
Remove meta author and meta generator
Ultimate_SEO_urls_2-1-107 (doesn’t work on 1.3.8)
1. Copy files from `_zen_cart_folder` to your Zen Cart install
2. Copy (or MERGE if you have made changes) files from v138-specific-files to your Zen Cart install
3. A sample .htaccess file is included. Simply rename to .htaccess and edit the word /shop/ to match your site
4. Config the module in CONFIGURATION – SEO URLS
If you want to eliminate “Welcome Guest!” Would you like to log yourself in?” message completely, turn off the Customer Greeting in your Admin -> Configuration -> Layout settings -> Customer Greeting -> Show on Index Page and set to 0.
If you want to replace this message with one of your own, start your text editor and open the includes/languages/ENGLISH/index.php file and locate these lines of code
if (STORE_STATUS == ‘0’) {
define(‘TEXT_GREETING_GUEST’, ‘Welcome Guest! Would you like to log yourself in?’);
} else {
define(‘TEXT_GREETING_GUEST’, ‘Welcome, please enjoy our online showcase.’);
define(‘TEXT_GREETING_PERSONAL’, ‘Hello %s!’);
As you can see, there are two Welcome messages depending upon whether you wish Zen Cart to be a fully functioning store, or just a showroom.
Edit the message starting from the word “Welcome” but be careful not to change the text in angled brackets, or the brackets themselves. Make sure that the single quote marks are not left out. If you want to include an apostrophe in your text e.g. “Lucy’s Store”, you will need to put an escape character before the apostrophe, i.e. “Lucy\’s Store”.
Save the edited file to includes/languages/ENGLISH/CUSTOM/index.php and upload it to your server.
To change the “Sales Message Goes Here” or “Tagline Here” text to say what you want open the includes/languages/english/header.php file in your text editor. Find the following line of code:
define(‘HEADER_SALES_TEXT’, ‘Tagline Here’);
Replace the tagline text with your own text, making sure that the single quote marks are not left out.
Save the edited file to includes/languages/english/custom/header.php and upload it to your server.
NB: By default the text “Sales Message Goes Here” is located in includes/languages/english/classic/header.php define(‘HEADER_SALES_TEXT’, ‘Sales Message Goes Here’);
How do I add and position a new logo?
By default Zen Cart™ uses logo.gif for the name of this image, but you can use you own filename for the logo.
Using an image editor, create your new logo and save it to includes/templates/CUSTOM/images/your_image_name.??? and upload it to your server.
After creating your logo you can adjust the height, width and logo name in includes/languages/ENGLISH/header.php
define(‘HEADER_LOGO_WIDTH’, ‘192px’);
define(‘HEADER_LOGO_HEIGHT’, ’64px’);
define(‘HEADER_LOGO_IMAGE’, ‘logo.gif’);
Make the needed changes, save the file to includes/languages/ENGLISH/CUSTOM/header.php and upload to your server.
How do I Change the Congratulations! Message?
If you want to change the Congratulations! You have successfully installed your Zen Cart™ E-Commerce Solution? Text with your own open the includes/languages/ENGLISH/index.php file and find the following code:
// This section deals with the “home” page at the top level with no options/products selected
/*Replace this text with the headline you would like for your shop.
For example: ‘Welcome to My SHOP!’*/
define(‘HEADING_TITLE’, ‘Congratulations! You have successfully installed your
Zen Cart™ E-Commerce Solution.’);
} elseif ($category_depth == ‘nested’) {
// This section deals with displaying a subcategory
/*Replace this line with the headline you would like for your shop. For
example: ‘Welcome to My SHOP!’*/
define(‘HEADING_TITLE’, ‘Congratulations! You have successfully installed your
Zen Cart™ E-Commerce Solution.’);
Replace the text starting Congratulations with your own text. Make sure that the single quote marks are not left out, save the file and upload to your server.
How do I add additional links to the Header and Footer?
CAPITALIZED words refer to a folder or language that you choose. We use CUSTOM for your template and ENGLISH for your language by default. These generic terms should be changed to the name of the template/language you are using.
There are two options for adding additional links to the header and footer of your site.
Additional links requires editing two files; tpl_header.php and tpl_footer.php.
You can add internal page links as well external links. We’ll use tpl_header.php in this article, but the same procedures would apply to tpl_footer.php.
Adding an internal page link (let’s use the Contact Us page in this example.)
In your text editor open includes -> templates -> template_default -> common -> tpl_header.php
find the following code:
– ‘; ?>
– Add the following code just below the last line in the above code.
– SSL’) . ‘”>’ . BOX_INFORMATION_CONTACT . ”; ?>
You would add an external link as outlined above.
–”>Your Link Text
– Save the edited file to includes -> templates -> CUSTOM -> common -> tpl_header.php and upload to your server.
Make sure the EZ-Pages header or footer are activated – admin -> configuration -> EZ-Pages Settings and turn them on.
Using EZ-Pages – Go to admin -> tools -> EZ-Pages and click the New File Button.
Fill in the Page Title Box (in our example add Contact Us)
Select Where you want the link to appear:
Header -> select Yes and add a Sort Order
Footer -> select Yes and add a Sort Order
Scroll down to the Internal Link URL box
Add your link as follows – index.php?main_page=contact_us (You would follow this procedure for whatever page you are adding)
Click the Insert Button and your finished.
Unzip and upload all files to your store directory (except .sql files);
Chmod feed directory to 777
Go to Admin->Tools->Install SQL Patches and install googlefroogle.sql by copying and pasting (do not upload);
Go to and create/sign to your account. Follow the link on the right hand side of their website to create your FTP account.
– Go to Admin->Configuration->Google Base Configuration and setup all parameters;
Register your bulk upload .xml file using the same name in your Google Base Configuration at
– Go to Admin->Tools>Google Base Feeder and follow instructions to create, view, and upload feed file.
Set up cron job to update products hourly: GET “” >> /dev/null 2>&1
– Goto Google Merchant Center | Data Feeds | Setup daily upload of link:
Install Zen Cart: 1.3.9h…
Rename “admin” folder to “panel”
chmod 777, then edit: ~/admin/includes/configure.php (change 3 instances of “admin” to “panel”)
chmod 444 configure.php back
remove “meta” junk links:
Install “Ceon URI Mapping”
This will turn BLOG address “index.php?main_page=wordpress” to /blog/ among other mappings
Ceon URI Mapping Setting
Access Zen Cart Admin > tools > WOZ Manager and Click [Ceon URI Mapping Setting].
Please input URI Mapping and Update.
Access WordPress Admin > Setting > General and [Blog address (URL)] change to [URI Mapping].
Please edit /includes/init_includes/init_ceon_uri_mapping.php
(Cf. WOZ Manager > Ceon URI Mapping Setting)
Install WOZ (wordpress on zencart)
Get the woz_en_pro version
1. Must install after CEON
2. Must create mapping “/blog” after install http://YOUR_DOMAIN/cpanel/woz_manager.php?page=1&action=ceon_url_setting
3. .htaccess file must allow remapping of “/blog” directory
4. Must remake some changes when there’s a template change
5. Make header.php and footer.php BLANK in /home/USERNAME/webapps/SITENAME/blog/wp-content/themes/woz_default
6. Remove META in /home/kimconnect/webapps/kimconnect_com/blog/wp-content/themes/woz_default/sidebar.php
Install Adult 04 template:
These are the files that are overridden:
Important Plug Ins:
CFK Editor
Image Handler
Group Pricing
Define Pages Generator
Categories Dressing
Colum divider Pro
Better Together
Column Layout Grid for Product Listing
Admin Category / Product Images
Maximum Amount Allowed in Shopping Cart
Ultimate SEO Urls
ZEN Lightbox
Quick Updates
Search Log
Ad Manager
Remove Links under Header + Box
Admin – Configurations – Layout Settings – Categories-Tabs Menu ON/OFF = 0
Title Bar change: /includes/languages/english/lite_red/meta_tags.php ???
Add a tab link to blog: edit /home/kimconnect/webapps/kimconnect_com/includes/templates/lite_red/templates/tpl_top_nav.php
Make sure that Google robot is allowed
Change the tags:
Change the top body texts:
Edit footer:
Change box to say “Shopping” instead of “Categories”
Change the search box to say “search our store” instead of “search”
Change the “blog sidebar” to say “Blog”
======================= Re-do when upgrading
Remove Generators:
Zen Cart
remove: generator
change: “noindex” to “index”
WordPress Cleanup Header
add these lines before the last ?>
//wordpress header junk
remove_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘feed_links_extra’, 3 ); // Display the links to the extra feeds such as category feeds
remove_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘feed_links’, 2 ); // Display the links to the general feeds: Post and Comment Feed
remove_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘rsd_link’ ); // Display the link to the Really Simple Discovery service endpoint, EditURI link
remove_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘wlwmanifest_link’ ); // Display the link to the Windows Live Writer manifest file.
remove_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘index_rel_link’ ); // index link
remove_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘parent_post_rel_link’, 10, 0 ); // prev link
remove_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘start_post_rel_link’, 10, 0 ); // start link
remove_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘adjacent_posts_rel_link_wp_head’, 10, 0 ); // Display relational links for the posts adjacent to the current post.
remove_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘wp_generator’ ); // Display the XHTML generator that is generated on the wp_head hook, WP version
//Pods Plugin
if (!is_admin()) {
function site_init()
add_action(‘init’, ‘site_init’);
Clean-up NextGen header generator: /home/kimconnect/webapps/kimconnect_com/blog/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/nggallery.php
// Add a version number to the header…
// Add MRSS to wp_head…
Install Testimonials Manager
SQL patch, change template names, upload, then edit /home/kimconnect/webapps/kimconnect_com/includes/templates/template_default/css/stylesheet.css and /home/kimconnect/webapps/kimconnect_com/includes/templates/lite_red/css/stylesheet.css
Install Links Manager
Install WP plugins
NextGen Gallery
Google XML Sitemaps
The Crawl Rate Tracker
WordPress Database Backup
—————– When updating Gallery, one must edit “Style” as follows ———————-
/* ———– Album Styles Compact ————-*/
.ngg-album-compact {
padding-right:6px !important;
margin:0px !important;
.ngg-album-compactbox {
background:transparent no-repeat scroll 0%;
margin:0pt 0pt 6px !important;
padding:12px 0pt 0pt 7px !important;
.ngg-album-compactbox .Thumb {
border:1px solid #000000;
margin:0px !important;
padding:0px !important;
.ngg-album-compact h4 {
.ngg-album-compact p {