Write-Host "This script just be ran in the context of a File Server Administrators member" Write-Host "It only checks whether an account has explicit permissions to access to a directory and it's contents" Do{ #$path=Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter a UNC path'; #$entity=Read-Host -Prompt 'Username or Groupname' $path="\\FILESERVER01\SHARE01" $entity="Everyone" $directories=@{path=$path}; $exclusion "Running as: "+(whoami) try{ # Change into the filesystem's current location Push-Location (Get-Location -PSProvider FileSystem) @( $directories ) | ForEach-Object { $items=Get-ChildItem $_.path -recurse foreach ($item in $items){ #$result+=,($item,(($item | get-acl).Access | ?{$_.IdentityReference -match $entity}).FileSystemRights) #Split-Path $item.pspath -Resolve -Leaf Convert-Path $item.pspath #Remove-NTFSAccess -Path (Convert-Path $item.pspath) -Account $entity -AccessRights FullControl -AccessType Allow #Remove-NTFSAccess -Path (Convert-Path $item.pspath) -Account $entity -AccessRights FullControl -AccessType Deny } } } finally { # Revert to the previous location Pop-Location #$result } $flag = Read-Host -Prompt 'Press Any Key = exit; R = Repeat...'} while ($flag -match '[Rr]')
March 29, 2019March 29, 2019