In the past, a simple email relay script was sufficient to spool internal messages. However, information security had been enforced with many cloud service providers whereby SSL/TLS with credentials were required for STMP connections. Hence, this little snippet helps us keep up with the times, while being backward compatible to legacy systems.
Current Version
# sendEmail.ps1
# Version 0.03
# This iteration includes the workaround for anonymous email relays
$emailFrom="[email protected]"
$emailTo="[email protected]"
$subject="Test Email to Validate SMTP"
$body="This is a test email.<br><br>Please disregard"
function sendEmail{
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$subject="Test Email to Validate SMTP",
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$body="This is a test email.<br><br>Please disregard",
function Check-NetConnection($server,$port,$timeout=100,$verbose=$false) {
$tcp = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient;
try {
$wait = $connect.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne($timeout,$false)
Write-Host "Connection Timeout" -ForegroundColor Red
Return $false
$null=$tcp.EndConnect($connect) # Dispose of the connection to release memory
write-host $error[0].Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red
return $false
Return $true
} catch {
return $false
function getMxRecord($emailAddress){
$domain=.{[void]($emailAddress -match $regexDomain);$matches[1]}
$mxDomain=(resolve-dnsname $domain -type mx|sort -Property Preference|select -First 1).NameExchange
$detectedSmtp=switch -Wildcard ($mxDomain){ # need to build up this list
"*" {"";break}
"*" {"";break}
"*" {'';break}
"*" {';break'}
"*" {'';break}
"*" {'';break}
"*" {'';break}
default {$mxDomain}
write-host "Detected MX Record`t: $mxDomain`r`nKnown SMTP Server`t: $detectedSmtp"
return $detectedSmtp
write-warning "MX record not available for $emailAddress"
return $null
if($emailFrom -match '@' -and $emailPassword){
$encryptedPass=ConvertTo-SecureString -String $emailPassword -AsPlainText -Force
$emailCred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $emailFrom,$encryptedPass
$nullPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString 'null' -asplaintext -force
$emailCred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON', $pass
$emailCred=New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $emailFrom,$emailPassword
[string]$emailFrom=$emailTo|select -First 1
$detectedSmtpServer=if($emailFrom -match '@' -and !$anonymous){getMxRecord $emailFrom}else{$null}
if($smtpServer -eq $detectedSmtpServer){
Write-host "Detected SMTP server matches the provided value: $smtpServer"
write-warning "Detected SMTP server $detectedSmtpServer does not match given values. Program will use the provided value: $smtpServer"
write-host "Using detected SMTP server $detectedSmtpServer"
$secureSmtpParams = @{
From = $emailFrom
To = $emailTo
Subject = $subject
Body = $body
BodyAsHtml = $true
DeliveryNotificationOption = 'OnFailure','OnSuccess'
Port = $port
UseSSL = $useSsl
From = $emailFrom
To = $emailTo
Subject = $subject
Body = $body
BodyAsHtml = $true
DeliveryNotificationOption = 'OnFailure', 'OnSuccess'
Port = 25
UseSSL = $useSsl
if ($port -ne 25){
write-host "Secure SMTP Parameters detected."
write-host "Unsecured SMTP Parameters detected."
write-host "$($emailParams|out-string)"
# Pre-empt this error:
# Send-MailMessage : Unable to read data from the transport connection: net_io_connectionclosed.
if([Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -notin $requiredTls -and $requiredTls -in $availableSslProtocols){
$sendmailCommand="Send-MailMessage `@emailParams -SmtpServer $smtpServer $(if($cc){"-cc $cc"}) $(if($emailCred){"-Credential `$emailCred"}) $(if($attachments){"-Attachments `$attachments"}) -ErrorAction Stop"
write-host $sendmailCommand
Invoke-Expression $sendmailCommand
write-host "Email has been sent to $emailTo successfully"
return $true;
#$errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
#$failedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
#write-host "$errorMessage`r`n$failedItem" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Warning "Initial attempt failed!`r`n$_`r`nNow scanning open ports..."
$openPorts=$commonSmtpPorts|?{Check-NetConnection $smtpServer $_}
write-host "$smtpServer has these SMTP ports opened: $(if($openPorts){$openPorts}else{'None'})"
if($detectedSmtpServer -ne $smtpServer){
write-host "Program now attempts to use the detected SMTP Server: $detectedSmtpServer"
Invoke-Expression "Send-MailMessage `@emailParams -SmtpServer $detectedSmtpServer $(if($attachments){"-Attachments $attachments"}) -ErrorAction Stop"
write-host "Email has been sent to $emailTo successfully via alternative SMTP Server: $detectedSmtpServer" -ForegroundColor Green
return $true;
write-host $error[0].Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Yellow
return $false
return $false
sendemail -emailFrom $emailFrom `
-emailPassword $emailPassword `
-emailTo $emailTo `
-cc $null `
-subject $subject `
-body $body `
-smtpServer $smtpServer `
-port $port `
-attachments $attachments `
-useSsl $useSsl `
-anonymous $anonymousMode
Version 0.02
# sendEmail.ps1
# Version 0.02
# This iteration includes the workaround for anonymous email relays
# Examples:
# sendEmail [email protected] '' [email protected] -cc $null test testEmail -smtpServer '' -port 25 -useSsl $false -anonymous $true
# sendEmail -emailFrom $EmailUser -emailPassword $emailPassword `
-emailTo '[email protected]' -cc $null `
-subject "Test Email to Validate SMTP" -body "This is a test email.<br><br>Please disregard" `
-smtpServer $smtpServer -port $port -attachments $attachments -useSsl $true
$username="[email protected]"
$emailFrom="[email protected]"
$emailTo="[email protected]"
$subject="Test Email to Validate SMTP"
$body="This is a test email.<br><br>Please disregard"
<# Usage:
sendEmail -username $username `
-password $password `
-emailFrom $emailFrom `
-EmailTo $emailTo -CC $null `
-Subject $subject -Body $message `
-SMTPServer $smtpServer `
-Port $port `
-Attachments $null `
-usessl $useSsl
function sendEmail{
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$subject="Test Email to Validate SMTP",
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$body="This is a test email.<br><br>Please disregard",
function Check-NetConnection($server,$port,$timeout=100,$verbose=$false) {
$tcp = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient;
try {
$wait = $connect.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne($timeout,$false)
Write-Host "Connection Timeout" -ForegroundColor Red
Return $false
$null=$tcp.EndConnect($connect) # Dispose of the connection to release memory
write-host $error[0].Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red
return $false
Return $true
} catch {
return $false
function getMxRecord($emailAddress){
$domain=.{[void]($emailAddress -match $regexDomain);$matches[1]}
$mxDomain=(resolve-dnsname $domain -type mx|sort -Property Preference|select -First 1).NameExchange
$detectedSmtp=switch -Wildcard ($mxDomain){ # need to build up this list
"*" {"";break}
"*" {"";break}
"*" {'';break}
"*" {';break'}
"*" {'';break}
"*" {'';break}
"*" {'';break}
default {$mxDomain}
write-host "Detected MX Record`t: $mxDomain`r`nKnown SMTP Server`t: $detectedSmtp"
return $detectedSmtp
write-warning "MX record not available for $emailAddress"
return $null
if($userName -and $password){
$encryptedPass=ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force
$emailCred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $userName,$encryptedPass
$nullPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString 'null' -asplaintext -force
$emailCred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON', $pass
$emailCred=New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $emailFrom,$emailPassword
[string]$emailFrom=$emailTo|select -First 1
$detectedSmtpServer=if($username -match '@' -and !$anonymous){getMxRecord $username}else{$null}
if($smtpServer -eq $detectedSmtpServer){
Write-host "Detected SMTP server matches the provided value: $smtpServer"
write-warning "Detected SMTP server $detectedSmtpServer does not match given values. Program will use the provided value: $smtpServer"
write-host "Using detected SMTP server $detectedSmtpServer"
$reconstructedUsername=if($emailFrom -match '@'){$emailFrom}elseif($userName -match '\\'){
}elseif($userName -match '@'){$userName}
$secureSmtpParams = @{
From = $reconstructedUsername
To = $emailTo
Subject = $subject
Body = $body
BodyAsHtml = $true
DeliveryNotificationOption = 'OnFailure','OnSuccess'
Port = $port
UseSSL = $useSsl
From = $reconstructedUsername
To = $emailTo
Subject = $subject
Body = $body
BodyAsHtml = $true
DeliveryNotificationOption = 'OnFailure', 'OnSuccess'
Port = 25
UseSSL = $useSsl
if ($port -ne 25){
write-host "Secure SMTP Parameters detected."
write-host "Unsecured SMTP Parameters detected."
write-host "$($emailParams|out-string)"
$sendmailCommand="Send-MailMessage `@emailParams -SmtpServer $smtpServer $(if($cc){"-cc $cc"}) $(if($emailCred){"-Credential `$emailCred"}) $(if($attachments){"-Attachments `$attachments"}) -ErrorAction Stop"
write-host $sendmailCommand
Invoke-Expression $sendmailCommand
write-host "Email has been sent to $emailTo successfully"
return $true;
#$errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
#$failedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
#write-host "$errorMessage`r`n$failedItem" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Warning "Initial attempt failed!`r`n$_`r`nNow scanning open ports..."
$openPorts=$commonSmtpPorts|?{Check-NetConnection $smtpServer $_}
write-host "$smtpServer has these SMTP ports opened: $(if($openPorts){$openPorts}else{'None'})"
if($detectedSmtpServer -ne $smtpServer){
write-host "Program now attempts to use the detected SMTP Server: $detectedSmtpServer"
Invoke-Expression "Send-MailMessage `@emailParams -SmtpServer $detectedSmtpServer $(if($attachments){"-Attachments $attachments"}) -ErrorAction Stop"
write-host "Email has been sent to $emailTo successfully via alternative SMTP Server: $detectedSmtpServer" -ForegroundColor Green
return $true;
write-host $error[0].Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Yellow
return $false
return $false
Old Version
$emailFrom="[email protected]"
$emailTo="[email protected]"
$subject="Test Email to Validate SMTP"
$body="This is a test email.<br><br>Please disregard"
function sendEmail{
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$subject="Test Email to Validate SMTP",
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$body="This is a test email.<br><br>Please disregard",
function Check-NetConnection($server,$port,$timeout=100,$verbose=$false) {
$tcp = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient;
try {
$wait = $connect.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne($timeout,$false)
Write-Host "Connection Timeout" -ForegroundColor Red
Return $false
$null=$tcp.EndConnect($connect) # Dispose of the connection to release memory
write-host $error[0].Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red
return $false
Return $true
} catch {
return $false
function getMxRecord($emailAddress){
$domain=.{[void]($emailAddress -match $regexDomain);$matches[1]}
$mxDomain=(resolve-dnsname $domain -type mx|sort -Property Preference|select -First 1).NameExchange
$detectedSmtp=switch -Wildcard ($mxDomain){ # need to build up this list
"*" {"";break}
"*" {"";break}
"*" {'';break}
"*" {';break'}
"*" {'';break}
"*" {'';break}
"*" {'';break}
default {$mxDomain}
write-host "Detected MX Record`t: $mxDomain`r`nKnown SMTP Server`t: $detectedSmtp"
return $detectedSmtp
write-warning "MX record not available for $emailAddress"
return $null
$encryptedPass=ConvertTo-SecureString -String $emailPassword -AsPlainText -Force
$emailCred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $emailFrom,$encryptedPass
$detectedSmtpServer=getMxRecord $emailFrom
if($smtpServer -eq $detectedSmtpServer){
Write-host "Detected SMTP server matches the provided value: $smtpServer"
write-warning "Detected SMTP server $detectedSmtpServer does not match given values. Program will use the provided value: $smtpServer"
write-host "Using detected SMTP server $detectedSmtpServer"
$secureSmtpParams = @{
From = $emailFrom
To = $emailTo
Subject = $subject
Body = $body
BodyAsHtml = $true
DeliveryNotificationOption = 'OnFailure','OnSuccess'
Port = $port
UseSSL = $useSsl
From = $emailFrom
To = $emailTo
Subject = $subject
Body = $body
BodyAsHtml = $true
DeliveryNotificationOption = 'OnFailure', 'OnSuccess'
Port = 25
UseSSL = $useSsl
if ($port -ne 25){
write-host "Secure SMTP Parameters detected."
write-host "Unsecured SMTP Parameters detected."
Invoke-Expression "Send-MailMessage `@emailParams -SmtpServer $smtpServer $(if($cc){"-cc $cc"}) $(if($emailCred){"-Credential `$emailCred"}) $(if($attachments){"-Attachments `$attachments"}) -ErrorAction Stop"
write-host "Email has been sent to $emailTo successfully"
return $true;
$errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$failedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
$openPorts=$commonSmtpPorts|?{Check-NetConnection $smtpServer $_}
write-host "$smtpServer has these SMTP ports opened: $($openPorts)"
write-host "$errorMessage`r`n$failedItem" -ForegroundColor Yellow
if($detectedSmtpServer -ne $smtpServer){
write-host "Program now attempts to use the detected SMTP Server: $detectedSmtpServer"
Invoke-Expression "Send-MailMessage `@emailParams -SmtpServer $detectedSmtpServer $(if($attachments){"-Attachments $attachments"}) -ErrorAction Stop"
write-host "Email has been sent to $emailTo successfully via alternative SMTP Server: $detectedSmtpServer" -ForegroundColor Green
return $true;
write-host $error[0].Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Yellow
return $false
return $false
sendTestEmail -emailFrom $EmailUser -emailPassword $emailPassword `
-emailTo '[email protected]' -cc $null `
-subject "Test Email to Validate SMTP" -body "This is a test email.<br><br>Please disregard" `
-smtpServer $smtpServer -port $port -attachments $attachments -useSsl $true
Deprecated version
# User input global parameters
$subject="Test Email"
$body="This is a test email.<br><br>Please disregard"
# Autogenerated variables
$encryptedPass=ConvertTo-SecureString -String $emailPassword -AsPlainText -Force
$emailCred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $emailAccount,$encryptedPass
function sendEmail{
$credential = $emailCred,
# Resolve the smtp server dynamically
$domain=.{[void]($from -match $regexDomain);$matches[1]}
$mxDomain=.{$result=(resolve-dnsname $domain -type mx).NameExchange
if ($result.gettype() -eq [String]){return $result}else{return $result[0]}
$smtpServer= switch -Wildcard ($mxDomain){ # need to build up this list
"*" {""}
"*" {""}
"*" {''}
"*" {''}
"*" {''}
"*" {''}
"*" {''}
default {"smtp.$domain"}
# Populate the cmdlet parameters
$emailParams = @{
From = $from
To = $to
Subject = $subject
Body = $body
BodyAsHtml = $true
DeliveryNotificationOption = 'OnFailure', 'OnSuccess'
SmtpServer = $smtpServer
Port = $port
UseSSL = $true
Credential = $emailCred
# Invoke the PowerShell sendmail cmdlet
invoke-expression "Send-MailMessage `@emailParams $(if($cc){-Cc $cc}) -ErrorAction Stop"
write-host "Email has been sent to $to successfully"
return $true;
$errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$failedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
write-host "Error: email has NOT been sent. Here are the errors:`r`n$errorMessage`r`n$failedItem"
return $false
<# Note: this error would occur with Google mail if Block Unsecured Apps has not been disabled:
Send-MailMessage : The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server
response was: 5.7.57 SMTP; Client was not authenticated to send anonymous mail during MAIL FROM
At line:1 char:1
+ Send-MailMessage @mailParams
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient:SmtpClient) [Send-MailMessage], SmtpExcept
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : SmtpException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SendMailMessage
sendEmail -from $emailAccount -to "[email protected]" -subject $subject -body $body -credential $emailCred -port $port
Simple Mail Relay
# Send-Email-Via-Relay.ps1
# PowerShell 2.0 Compatible
function sendEmailViaRelay{
# Define log location
$dateStamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd-hhmmss"
$scriptPath=Split-Path -Path $scriptName
# Define sendmail variables
$from = "[email protected]"
$to = "[email protected]"
$cc = "[email protected]"
$subject = "$hostname is ready at time stamp: $dateStamp."
$body = "Please check the log at this location: $logFile"
$smtpServer = ""
# This is the Windows' version of sendmail command
Send-MailMessage -From $from -to $to -Cc $cc -Subject $subject -Body $body -SmtpServer $smtpServer -DeliveryNotificationOption OnSuccess
# Change these values to reflect your liking
$from = "[email protected]"
$to = "[email protected]"
$cc = "[email protected]"
$attachment = "C:\users\$username\Desktop\project1.xlsx"
$subject = "Opening Our First Kung Fu Studio"
$body = "Blah blah... Enough talk. Let's fight!"
$smtpServer = ""
$smtpPort = "587"
# This is the Windows' version of sendmail command
Send-MailMessage -From $from -to $to -Cc $cc -Subject $subject -Body $body -SmtpServer $smtpServer -port $smtpPort -UseSsl -Credential (Get-Credential) -Attachments $attachment –DeliveryNotificationOption OnSuccess
Troubleshooting notes:
Sample Error:
Send-MailMessage : Unable to read data from the transport connection: net_io_connectionclosed.
At line:1 char:5
+ Send-MailMessage @mailParam
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient:SmtpClient) [Send-MailMessage], SmtpExcept
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : SmtpException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SendMailMessage
Office365 Considerations:
- Authentication: username and password must be valid and correct
- Mailbox: a licensed Office 365 mailbox is required
- Transport Layer Security (TLS): TLS 1.1 is required
- Port: Port 587 is standard. StartTLS port 465 is not allowed. Relaying port 25, if used, must be unblocked as outbound from source networks
- Microsoft requires that each smart-host configuration or send connector setting must use only the assigned host record (e.g. domain-com12345.mail. Verify this record at: com/AdminPortal/Home#/Domains - To avoid emails being marked as spam when sending from source servers, edit the SPF TXT record to match this value: v=spf1 ip4:[SOURCE_IPs_HERE] ~all - Third-party filtering service should be routing to the correct smart-host record as shown in (a). For instance, barracudanetworks should route to the correct smtp server as ‘domain-com12345.mail.’. Here’s an example of allowance for ClickDimensions and Autotask at URL . com/ecp/Antispam/ EditConnectionFiltering -
In email relaying cases, connectors should be setup to specify the source(s). This can be done by authenticating to using a Global Admin account > Navigate to Exchange Admin Center (Admin > Exchange) > Mail flow > Connectors > Check the list of connectors set up for your organization. If there are no connectors listed from your organization’s email server to Office 365, create one by clicking on the ‘+’ sign > Set From = Public IP address of the Email Relaying Computer (or source subnet), Set To = Office 365 > Next > Next > Save