################################################################################## <# This script is created to automate the cleanup activity. Doing so will benefit to reduce the size of disk. This script will perform the following 1. Clear windows temp and user temp folder 2. Empty recycle bin 3. Disk Cleanup 4. Clear CBS cabinet log files 5. Clear downloaded patches 6. Clear downloaded driver 7. Clean download folder Note: 1. Run the script with Administrative access. 2. Put # chanracter before delete() function if you want to skip any folder. 3. Diskcleanup utility will prompt to select options available. Select the required options before 30 sec. 4. To add any new folder , need to declare the folder and call delete function with that folder variable contact: SHISHIR KUSHAWAHA ([email protected]) Repost from: #> ################################################################################## ## Function ## #1# This function will convert byte Data to megabyte. function foldersize($folder) { $folderSizeinbyte = (Get-ChildItem $folder -Recurse | Measure-Object -property length -sum) $folderSizeinMB=($folderSizeinbyte.sum / 1048576) return $folderSizeinMB } #2# This function will display the folder size before deletion. function before($folder1) { $x=foldersize($folder1) write-host "Total size before deletion=$x MB" return $x } #3# This function will display the folder size after deletion. function post($folder2) { $y=foldersize($folder2) write-host "Total size after deletion $y MB" return $y } #4# This function will display the warning message. function msg($folder3) { write-Host "Removing Junk files in $folder3." -ForegroundColor Yellow -background black } #5# This function will display the total spcae cleared. function totalmsg($folder4,$sum) { write-Host "Total space cleared in MB from $folder4" $Sum -ForegroundColor Green } ## This function will cleanup the specified folder function delete($folder5) { [double]$a=before($folder5) msg($folder5) Remove-Item -Recurse $folder5 -Force -Verbose [double]$b=post($folder5) $total=$a-$b totalmsg($folder5,$total) $a=0 $b=0 $total=0 } ##End of Functions Declartion.## ## Variables Declaration#### $objShell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application $Recyclebin = $objShell.Namespace(0xA) $temp = get-ChildItem "env:\TEMP" $temp2 = $temp.Value $WinTemp = "$env:SystemDrive\Windows\Temp\*" $CBS="$env:SystemDrive\Windows\Logs\CBS\" $swtools="$env:SystemDrive\swtools\*" $drivers="$env:SystemDrive\drivers\*" $swsetup="$env:SystemDrive\swsetup\*" $downloads="$env:SystemDrive\users\administrator\downloads\*" $Prefetch="$env:SystemDrive\Windows\Prefetch\*" $DowloadeUpdate="$env:SystemDrive\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\*" ##End of variable Declartion.## ##Execution## # Remove temp files located in "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp" [double]$a=before($temp2) msg($temp2) Remove-Item -Recurse "$temp2\*" -Force -Verbose [double]$b=post($temp2) $total=$a-$b totalmsg($temp2,$total) # Remove content of folder created during installation of driver delete($swtools) # Remove content of folder created during installation of Lenovo driver delete($drivers) # Remove content of folder created during installation of HP driver delete($swsetup) # Remove content of download folder of administrator account delete($downloads) # Empty Recycle Bin write-Host "Emptying Recycle Bin." -ForegroundColor Cyan $Recyclebin.items() | %{ remove-item $_.path -Recurse -verbose -Confirm:$false} # Remove Windows Temp Directory delete($WinTemp) # Remove Prefetch folder content delete($Prefetch) # Remove CBS log file #delete($CBS) # Remove downloaded update #delete($DowloadeUpdate) #6# Running Disk Clean up Tool write-Host "starting Windows disk Clean up Tool" -ForegroundColor Cyan cleanmgr.exe /SAGESET:50 sleep 30 cleanmgr.exe /SAGERUN:50 write-Host "**Clean Up completed**" ##End of execution## ##### End of the Script #####