Version 0.03:
Version 0.02:
PowerShell: Get NIC MTU’s of All Hyper-V Hosts in Domain/Forest
Previous version:
# listHyperVHostsInForests.ps1
# version 0.01
# This function scans the environment of forests and returns a list of Hyper V Hosts within all domains of those forests. Note that the result shall include the Windows OS version as Hyper-V Managers (HM) are OS dependent (e.g. 2012 HM maynot be able to control 2008 hosts).
# Ensure that AD management module is available for PS Session
if (!(get-module -name "ActiveDirectory") ){
Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell | out-null;
import-module -name "ActiveDirectory" -DisableNameChecking | out-null;
function List-hyperVHosts {
try {
Import-Module ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
Write-Warning "Failed to import Active Directory module. Cannot continue. Aborting..."
$domains=(Get-ADForest -Identity $forest).Domains
foreach ($domain in $domains){
#"$domain`: `n"
[string]$dc=(get-addomaincontroller -DomainName $domain -Discover -NextClosestSite).HostName
try {
$hyperVs = Get-ADObject -Server $dc -Filter 'ObjectClass -eq "serviceConnectionPoint" -and Name -eq "Microsoft Hyper-V"' -ErrorAction Stop;
} catch {
"Failed to query $dc of $domain";
foreach($hyperV in $hyperVs) {
$x = $hyperV.DistinguishedName.split(",")
$HypervDN = $x[1..$x.Count] -join ","
if ( !($HypervDN -match "CN=LostAndFound")) {
$Comp = Get-ADComputer -Id $HypervDN -Prop *
$OutputObj = New-Object PSObject -Prop (
HyperVName = $Comp.Name
OSVersion = $($comp.operatingSystem)
function listForests{
$GLOBAL:forests=Get-ADForest | select Name;
if ($forests.length -gt 1){
#for ($i=0;$i -lt $forests.length;$i++){$forests[$i].Name;}
$forests | %{$_.Name;}
function listHyperVHostsInForests{
listForests|%{List-HyperVHosts $_}
Sample Output:
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> List-HyperVHosts
OSVersion HyperVName
--------- ----------
Windows Server 2016 Standard HYPERV01
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise HYPERV02
Hyper-V Server HYPERV03
Hyper-V Server 2012 R2 HYPERV04
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard HYPERV05
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard HYPERV06
Awesome!. You don’t know how long I’ve been looking for this.
It is not showing all list, some of the Hyper-v hosts are missing, i have tried with 2k8 & 2k16 server but still result is same. kindly suggest
I’ve made an error on the last function, it’s now corrected as:
function listHyperVHostsInForests{
listForests|%{List-HyperVHosts $_}
Please let me know what errors you’re experiencing. Also, one must exec PowerShell as Administrator using credentials of an account with memberships in these groups: Domain Administrators, Enterprise Administrators, and Schema Administrators