It is highly recommended that a computer name be as follows:
Descriptive of its function
Unique from other objects in the same namespace or domain
Short and easy to remember
Intranet name be a sub-domain of the company’s publicly registered domain name (i.e.
Maximum characters: 15 (intranet), 63 (total FQDN length)
Disallowed characters:
backslash (\)
slash mark (/)
colon (:)
asterisk (*)
question mark (?)
quotation mark (“)
less than sign (<)
greater than sign (>)
vertical bar (|)
comma (,)
tilde (~)
colon (:)
exclamation point (!)
at sign (@)
number sign (#)
dollar sign ($)
percent (%)
caret (^)
ampersand (&)
apostrophe (‘)
period (.)
parentheses (())
braces ({})
underscore (_)
white space (blank)
Other requirements:
The first character must be alphabetical or numeric.
The last character must not be a minus sign or a period.
Reserved names per RFC 952