# compareTimeStamps.ps1

# Set variables

function sampleTimeStamp{

# Enable Remote to remote symlink following if it's not already set
$r2rEnabled=fsutil behavior query SymlinkEvaluation | select-string -Pattern "Remote to remote symbolic links are enabled."
if (!($r2rEnabled)){fsutil behavior set SymlinkEvaluation R2R:1;}

#$sourceFiles=Get-ChildItem $source -recurse | ? { !($_.PsIsContainer -and $_.FullName -notmatch 'archive' -and $_.FullName.Length -lt 260) } | get-random -count $sampleSize | % {$_.FullName}
$sourceFiles=Get-ChildItem $sourceDirectory -recurse|?{!$_.PSIsContainer -and $_.FullName.Length -lt 260}|get-random -count $sampleCount | % {$_.FullName}
write-host $commonDenominatingPaths;
$destinationFiles=$commonDenominatingPaths | %{[string]$destinationDirectory+[string]$_;}

if ($filesCount -gt 1){
"Checking a sample of $sampleSize for any time stamp inaccuracies..."
for ($i=0;$i -lt $sourceFiles.Length;$i++){
$sourceTimeStamp=(gi "$sourceFile").LastWriteTime;
$destinationTimeStamp=(gi "$destinationFile").LastWriteTime;
$dTimeIsNull=$destinationTimeStamp -eq $null
$sTimeIsNull=$sourceTimeStamp -eq $null
if ($dTimeIsNull -or $sTimeIsNull){
if ($sTimeIsNull){
$output+="`r`nUnable to obtain timestamp of $sourceFile";
$output+="`r`nUnable to obtain timestamp of $destinationFile";
if ($sourceTimeStamp -ne $destinationTimeStamp){
$output+="`r`n$destinationFile timestamp of $destinationTimeStamp DOES NOT MATCH its source $sourceFile timestamp of $sourceTimeStamp";
# Output
$output="`r`n------------$((($filesCount-$badStamps)/$filesCount).tostring('P')) of the files in a sample of $filesCount are having accurate time stamps. Command took $timeStampElapsedHours hours.--------------`r`n"+$output;
}else{$output="`r`n------------Insufficient number of files to process.------------`r`n";}

write-host $output;
Add-Content $timeStampLog $output;
