This function is useful in scenarios where a separate user account is needed to mount and made it available to the current login user.
# short version
# Input variable to mount remote UNC Path as a local drive
net use "$firstAvailableDriveLetter`:" "$uncPath" /user:$mountAsUser '$mountAsPassword' /persistent:Yes
# Long version
# Input variable to mount remote UNC Path as a local drive
# Scan for next available drive letter, excluding D "CD Rom" and H "Home"
$availableDriveLetters=.{(65..90|%{[char]$_})|?{$_ -notin $unavailableDriveLetters}}
function mountDriveAsUser($username,$password,$driveLetter,$uncPath){
if(get-psdrive $driveLetter -ea SilentlyContinue){
#Remove-PSDrive $firstAvailableDriveLetter -ea SilentlyContinue #This does not affect drives being mounted by 'net use' command
net use /delete ($driveLetter+':')
# This command cannot persist when out of scope of function; hence, net use is required
# New-PSDrive –Name $mountLetter –PSProvider FileSystem –Root $uncPath –Persist -Credential $mountAsCred|out-null
$result=net use "$driveLetter`:" "$uncPath" /user:$username $password /persistent:Yes
if($result -match 'The command completed successfully.'){
write-host "$driveLetter`: has successfully mounted.";
return $true;
return $false
write-warning "$error"
return $false
mountDriveAsUser $mountAsUser $mountAsPassword $uncPath
# Longer version
function mountPathAsDrive($path,$driveLetter,$mountAsUser,$mountAsPassword){
function convertPathToUnc($path,$computername=$env:computername,$credentials=$null){
$pathIsUnc=$path -match '^\\\\'
$pathIsReachable=if($credentials){test-path $path -credentials $credentials}else{test-path $path}
if($pathIsUnc -and $pathIsReachable){
return $path
$x=$path -replace "^([a-zA-Z])\:","\\$computername\`$1`$";
if($x -match '\\$'){return $x.Substring(0,$x.length-1)}else{return $x}
$validUnc=if($convertedPath){test-path $convertedPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue}else{$false}
write-host "$path has been converted to $convertedPath, and it is reachable"
return $convertedPath
write-warning "$path has been converted to $convertedPath, but it is NOT unreachable"
return $null
write-warning "Path is invalid"
return $null
$pathIsUnc=$path -match '^\\\\'
$credentials = if($mountAsUser -and $mountAsPassword){
$password = "$mountAsPassword" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("$mountAsUser", $password )
$availableDriveLetters=.{(65..90|%{[char]$_})|?{$_ -notin $unavailableDriveLetters}}
$null=net use "$driveLetter`:" "$path" /user:$mountAsUser "'$mountAsPassword'"
$null=net use "$driveLetter`:" "$path"
$pathAsUnc=convertPathToUnc $path
$null=net use "$driveLetter`:" "$pathAsUnc" /user:$mountAsUser "'$mountAsPassword'"
$null=net use "$driveLetter`:" "$pathAsUnc"
$reachable=if($credentials){test-path "$driveLetter`:\" -credentials $credentials}else{test-path "$driveLetter`:\"}
return $(if($reachable){"$driveLetter`:\"}else{$false})
mountPathAsDrive $directory $mountAsDriveLetter $mountAsUser $mountAsPassword