# These two functions are convenient for CRM admins to quickly gather a hosted organization object from on-premise Microsoft Dynamics.
# One function is to attempt to query the App server for a specific name.
# If no such records exist, then the second function would invoke to allow the user to select from a list of known Orgs.
function selectOrg {
function pickList($list){
# Although it's more efficient to obtain the index and set it as display,
# humans prefer see a list that starts with 1, instead of 0
$display=for ($i=0;$i -lt $list.count;$i++){
$lines=($display | Measure-Object -Line).Lines
write-host $($display)
while ($attempts -le $maxAttempts){
if($attempts++ -ge $maxAttempts){
write-host "Attempt number $maxAttempts of $maxAttempts. Exiting loop..`r`n"
$userInput = Read-Host -Prompt 'Please pick a number from the list above';
try {
if ($value -lt 1 -OR $value -gt $lines){
write-host "Attempt number $attempts of $maxAttempts`: $userInput is an invalid value. Try again..`r`n"
write-host $display
write-host "$userInput corresponds to $item`r`n";
return $item
# Set Org name and database name - run this prior to pasting the rest of the lines below
if(!(get-command get-crmorganization -ea SilentlyContinue)){Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Crm.PowerShell}
$orgs=Get-CrmOrganization|?{$_.State -ne 'Disabled'}
catch{write-warning "No Orgs detected on $env:computername. Exiting Program"; break;}
if ($orgsValue -ne 'Organization'){
$orgName=$(pickList $orgNames)
$pickedOrg=$orgs|?{$_.UniqueName -eq $orgName}
return @{
function getOrg ($orgName){
if(!(get-command get-crmorganization -ea SilentlyContinue)){Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Crm.PowerShell}
$org=Get-CrmOrganization|?{$_.UniqueName -eq $orgName}
write-warning "$orgName not found. Please try selecting from this list."
return selectOrg
return @{
getOrg $orgName