1. Install VMWare Converter in physical machine
2. Run converter
3. Turn on virtual machine
4. Turn off physical machine
5. Remove ghosted drivers in virtual machine:
6. Clone MAC address(es):
To assign the same, unique MAC address to any virtual machine manually, use a text editor to remove three lines from the configuration file and add one line. The configuration file has a .vmx extension at the end of the filename. On a Linux host, a virtual machine created with an earlier VMware product may have a configuration file with a .cfg extension.
  1. Open the virtual machine’s .vmx configuration file with a text editor. For more information about editing a virtual machine’s configuration file (.vmx), see Tips for editing a .vmx file )
  2. Remove the three lines from the configuration file that begin with:
  3. Add a new static MAC address line to the configuration file with help of the following entries:
    ethernetN.address = “00:50:56:XX:YY:ZZ”
    ethernetN.addressType = “static”
  4. Save the configuration file.