Update 12/04/2020: there’s a simpler solution – install notepad2!
choco install notepad2 -y
The command above will automatically substitute notepad with the open source version, notepad2.exe. Moreover, the notepad.exe will still show as original. When triggered, it will call the new notepad software instead.
This also addresses the concern we have with a modified notepad.exe being reverted by Windows repairs. The original notepad.exe is actually unmodified.
# replaceNotepadWithNotepadPlus.ps1
# Use case:
# Certain Windows version earlier than Windows 10 or Windows Server 2019 version 1709
# cannot handle Unix newline character 'LF'; thus, the default notepad.exe from those
# computers would render text incorrectly. Since notepad++ has better support for
# Unix file encoding, replacing notepad.exe with notepad++ would help users view
# UTF-8 encoded files as generated from Linux sources.
# what this script does:
# 1. Connects to target computer(s)
# 2. Installs Notepad++ if necessary
# 3. Renames C:\windows\system32\notepad.exe to notepad.exe.bak
# 4. Copies and renames notepad++.exe as notepad.exe
# 5. Updates related registry keys
# Note: this code is a refactored version originally contributed by Bob Hodges
# Forked from: https://gist.github.com/hodgesb/7226a970240d415e5b3e
function connectWinRm($computer,$adminCredential=$false,$winRmPort=5985){
write-warning "Computer name must be specified to initiate a WinRM connection."
return $false
# Legacy equivalent to Test-Netconnection
function checkNetConnection($computername,$port,$timeout=1000,$verbose=$false) {
$tcp = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient;
try {
$wait = $connect.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne($timeout,$false)
Write-Host "Connection Timeout" -ForegroundColor Red
Return $false
$null=$tcp.EndConnect($connect) # Dispose of the connection to release memory
write-host $error[0].Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red
return $false
Return $true
} catch {
return $false
function enableWinRmRemotely($remoteComputer,$winRmPort,$adminCredential){
function Check-NetConnection($computername,$port,$timeout=1000,$verbose=$false) {
$tcp = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient;
try {
$wait = $connect.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne($timeout,$false)
Write-Host "Connection Timeout" -ForegroundColor Red
Return $false
$null=$tcp.EndConnect($connect) # Dispose of the connection to release memory
write-host $error[0].Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red
return $false
Return $true
} catch {
return $false
if (!(get-command psexec -ea SilentlyContinue)){
# Install Chocolatey
if (!(Get-Command choco.exe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
choco install sysinternals -y;
write-host 'Attempting to use psexec to enable WinRM remotely...'
if(!$adminCredential){ # Enable WinRM Remotely
$null=psexec.exe \\$remoteComputer -s C:\Windows\system32\winrm.cmd qc -quiet;
$null=psexec.exe \\$remoteComputer -u $username -p $password -s C:\Windows\system32\winrm.cmd qc -quiet
return check-netconnection $remoteComputer $winRmPort
# If machine is not pingable, wait five minutes
$ping = Test-Connection $computer -quiet
if($ping -eq $false){sleep 1}
$pastFiveMinutes=$fiveMinuteTimer.Elapsed.TotalMinutes -ge 5
}until ($ping -eq $true -or $pastFiveMinutes)
$winRmAvailable=checkNetConnection $computer $winRmPort
write-host "Attempting to enable WinRM on $computer" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$enableWinRmSuccessful=enableWinRmRemotely $computer
write-host "WinRM enabled: $enableWinRmSuccessful"
write-warning "WinRM could not be enabled remotely. WinRM connection aborted."
return $false
# Wait for WinRm session prior to proceeding
#if($session.state -eq 'Opened'){remove-pssession $session}
New-PSSession -ComputerName $computer -Credential $adminCredential -ea Stop
New-PSSession -ComputerName $computer -Credential $adminCredential -SessionOption $(new-pssessionoption -IncludePortInSPN)
New-PSSession -ComputerName $computer -ea Stop
New-PSSession -ComputerName $computer -SessionOption $(new-pssessionoption -IncludePortInSPN)
#sleep -seconds 1
if ($session){
write-host "Connected to $computer."
return $session
} until ($session.state -match "Opened")
function replaceNotepadWithNotepadPlus{
function includeApp($appName,$appExe=$False,$version){
$existingExe=get-command $appExe -ea SilentlyContinue
# Include Chocolatey
if (!(Get-Command choco.exe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force;
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
choco install $appName -y
$installed=$null -ne (get-command $appExe -ea SilentlyContinue)
return $installed
write-host "$appName version $existingVersion already exists." -ForegroundColor Green
return $true
write-warning $_
return $false
function renameSystemFile($file,$newName){
#write-host "This function currently doesn't deal with UNC paths. Hence, local paths are assumed."
if(!(test-path $file)){
write-warning "$file is not accessible."
return $False
$newName="$(split-path $file -leaf).bak"
$newFile="$(split-path $file -parent)\$newName"
if(test-path $newFile){
$newFileInfo=(get-item $newFile).VersionInfo
rename-item $newFile "$originalFileName`_$originalVersion.bak" -force
if(!(get-command takeown -ea Ignore)){
write-warning "C:\Windows\system32\takeown.exe is missing"
try {
& takeown /f $file
write-warning $_
write-host "Granting $env:username full access to $file..."
$userAccess = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($env:username,"FullControl","Allow")
$administratorsAccess=New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule('Administrators',"FullControl","Allow")
$acl=Get-ACL $file
Set-Acl $file $acl
write-host "Renaming $file to $newName..."
rename-item $file $newName -force
write-warning $_
if(!(Test-Path $file) -and (Test-Path $newFile)){
write-host "$file has been successfully renamed to $newName" -ForegroundColor Green
write-warning "$file has NOT been renamed to $newName"
return $success
# Include notepadPlusPlus
$appInstalled=includeApp notepadplusplus notepad++
write-warning "NotepadPlusPlus has not been installed on $env:computername."
return $false
# Close Notepad++ or Notepad if either are running.
Get-process notepad,notepad++ -ErrorAction Ignore | Stop-Process -Force
# Setting paths to default notepad++.exe and SciLexer.dll.
Try {
$notepadPlus=Resolve-Path "$($env:systemdrive)\Program Files*\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" -ea 0
[version]$notepadPlusVersion=(Get-Item $notepadplus).versioninfo.fileversion
$notepadPlusDLL=Resolve-Path "$($env:systemdrive)\Program Files*\Notepad++\SciLexer.dll" -ea 0
write-host "Notepad++.exe version $notepadPlusVersion is currently located at '$notepadPlus'"
Write-Output "NotePad++.exe is not found in the environmental paths."
return $false
$notepadPlusAvailable=(Test-Path $notepadPlus) -and (Test-Path $notepadPlusDLL)
write-warning "Notepad++.exe is not available on $env:computername"
return $false
# Replace all notepad.exe instances with its notepadPlus variants
# Perform this task progressively - roll-back when any item fails
$validNotepadFiles=$notepadFiles|?{test-path $_}
foreach ($notepadFile in $validNotepadFiles){
$fileInfo=(get-item $notepadFile).VersionInfo
$fileAlreadyReplaced=($fileInfo.OriginalFilename -eq 'Notepad++.exe') -and ($fileInfo.ProductVersion -ge $notepadPlusVersion)
$fileRenameSuccessful=renameSystemFile $notepadFile 'notepad.exe.bak'
# Copies the NotePad++ file and its dependant DLL file to the current path.
Copy-Item -Path $notepadPlus -Destination $notepadFile
Copy-Item -Path $notepadPlusDLL -Destination $(Split-Path $notepadFile -Parent)
write-host "Rolling back file replacement changes as file rename has failed on $notepadFile..."
$validNotepadFiles|%{$null=renameSystemFile $(split-path $_ -parent)+'notepad.exe.bak' 'notepad.exe'}
return $false
write-host "$notepadFile is already a product of Notepad++ version $($fileInfo.ProductVersion)"
if ($notepadPlusVersion -ge '7.59'){
# Registry keys for Notepad++ 7.5.9 and above
write-host "Patching registry for notepad++ version $notepadPlusVersion..."
$registryNotepad = "REGISTRY::HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\notepad.exe"
$RegName = "Debugger"
$RegValue = "`"$notepadPlus`" -notepadStyleCmdline -z"
Write-host "NotePad++ version $notepadPlusVersion is above 7.58. Registry patch must be applied..."
# Checks to see if the registry key exists before updating values.
if (Test-Path $registryNotepad){
# The registry key exists, so we create a registry property and value.
$regValueMatched=(Get-itemproperty $registryNotepad)."$regName" -eq $RegValue
$null=New-ItemProperty -Path $registryNotepad -Name $regName -Value $RegValue -PropertyType String -Force
# The registry key doesn't exist, so we create the registry key prior to creating the property.
$null=New-Item -Path $registryNotepad -Force
$null=New-ItemProperty -Path $registryNotepad -Name $regName -Value $RegValue -PropertyType String -Force
Write-Warning "Failed to apply registry patch. Reverting file renames..."
$validNotepadFiles|%{$null=renameSystemFile $(split-path $_ -parent)+'notepad.exe.bak' 'notepad.exe'}
return $false
write-host "Registry patching completed."
# Since Notepad++ is below 7.59, the registry patch should not exist.
# This checks to see if the registry patch exists, and if so it removes it.
$regPatchInstallStatus = Get-ItemProperty -Path $registryNotepad -Name $RegName -ErrorAction 0
if ($regPatchInstallStatus){
Write-host "Removing incompatible registry patch `r`n$registryNotepad."
$null=Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryNotepad -Name $regName -Force
Write-warning $_
return $false
# Run Notepad++ once to preempt an XML error
$null=& $notepadPlus
while(!(Get-process notepad++ -ErrorAction Ignore)){
# Wait until initial trigger has started
sleep 1
$null=Stop-Process -name 'notepad++' -Force
return $true
foreach ($computername in $computernames){
$session=connectWinRm $computername
if($session.State -eq 'Opened' -and $session.ComputerName -eq $computerName){
$result=invoke-command -Session $session -ScriptBlock{
write-host "Executing function on $env:computername..."
} -Args ${function:replaceNotepadWithNotepadPlus}
write-host "$computername`: $result"
Remove-PSSession $session
write-warning "Unable to connect to $computername"
Write-Output $results
Sample Output:
Connected to TESTWINDOWS1.
Executing function on TESTWINDOWS1...
notepadplusplus version already exists.
Notepad++.exe version 7.91 is currently located at 'C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe'
C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe is already a product of Notepad++ version 7.91
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\notepad.exe is already a product of Notepad++ version 7.91
Patching registry for notepad++ version 7.91...
NotePad++ version 7.91 is above 7.58. Registry patch must be applied...
Registry patching completed.
Name Value
---- -----