OpenVNP plugin https://joepaetzel.com/2013/09/22/openvpn-on-freenas-9-1/
FTP server
Web server
How to install:
– Choose 64bit as many plugins will not have 32bit versions
– There are two versions
– Unzip and use Win32 Disk Imager to install onto a USB
– Plug USB into target system (it takes a 10 to 30 minutes to perform initial installation). Once done, access FreeNAS from another machine to perform these steps:
Format Drives
Software RAID and add disks to RAID 1
Format new RAID
Mount RAID
Set up SAMBA and choose mount points from those drives
Create Users
How to Integrate into Windows Active Directory
1. Create DNS “A” record in Active Directory
DATA = IP Address of freeNAS server with NetBIOS named DATA
2. Add new user named FreeNAS with non-expiring password
example: [email protected]
3. Create computer account named DATA and give freenasadmin user account Admin privileges
4. Make sure that the domain controller server’s clock is accurate
cmd: w32tm /query /configuration (to check which server Windows is using)
w32tm /config /syncfromflags:manual /manualpeerlist:”0.us.pool.ntp.org,0x1 1.us.pool.ntp.org,0x1 2.us.pool.ntp.org,0x1″ /update /reliable:yes
net stop w32time && net start w32time
5. Set DATA (FreeNAS server) IP address as static corresponding to the DNS entry created previously
Network -> Interfaces -> Add Interface
NIC: select the NIC being used by FreeNAS (single NIC systems only have 1 item in the dropdown list)
Interface Name: em0 (We named it the same as what FreeNAS names it, for consistency – you can name it whatever you like)
DHCP: unchecked
IPv4 Address: (this needs to match the DNS “A” record you created during the Active Directory prep)
IPv4 Netmask: /24
Click “Save”
6. Configure Network Card
Network -> Global Configuration
Hostname: freenas (this needs to match the DNS “A” record & computer account name you created during the Active Directory prep)
Domain: example-domain.net
IPv4 Default Gateway: (router)
Nameserver 1: (Windows Domain DNS server)
Click “Save”
7. Set time server
System -> NTP Servers -> View NTP Servers
Remove all 3 default NTP servers
Click Add NTP Server
Address: (Windows AD Server)
Prefer: checked (only if you have other time servers configured)
Leave everything else at its default setting
Set Time Zone: Settings -> General
Timezone: PST
Directory Service: Active Directory
8. Create Storage Pool
Create Dataset:
Dataset Name: users
Compression level: Off (everything’s already compressed already)
Share type: Windows
Enable atime: Off (unless your backup solution scans this share, then turn it on)
ZFS Deduplication: Off
9. Set up Active Directory & CIFS
Services -> Directory Services -> Active Directory
Domain name: example-domain.net
Workgroup Name: EXAMPLE-DOMAIN
Domain Account Name: freenasadmin
Domain Account Password: [password]
Confirm Domain Account Password: [password]
Services -> CIFS
NetBIOS name: freenas
Description: (optional to fill in)
Unix Extensions: checked
Zeroconf share discovery: checked
Hostnames lookups: checked
Server maximum Protocol: SMB3
Allow execute always: checked
Click “OK”
Services -> Control Services
Turn on Directory Services
This will also automatically turn on the CIFS services.
10. Create Windows Shares
Sharing -> Windows (CIFS) Shares -> Add Windows (CIFS) Share
Name: users (this is the name you’ll see when you connect via Windows Explorer)
Comment: (optional)
Path: (browse to the path of the dataset created previously)
Leave everything else at its default setting
Click “OK”
11. Set correct owners and permissions
Storage -> Volumes -> locate the dataset created earlier, namely “users” -> change permissions
Owner (user): EXAMPLE-DOMAIN\administrator
Owner (group): EXAMPLE-DOMAIN\domain users
Mode: (unchangeable)
Type of ACL: Windows / Mac
Set permission recursively: unchecked (unless you have files owned by a FreeNAS user stored in this dataset already)
Click “Change”
12. Manage file/folder permissions in Active Directory
MMC -> Administrative Tools -> Right-click Computer Management, select Connect to another computer -> Another computer = freenas, click OK
Computer Management (FREENAS) -> Right-click “Shares,” select “Properties” -> Click on the ”’Share Permissions”’ tab, and add/remove/modify your permissions as needed
How to Create Windows Network Shares (incomplete guide)
Enable SSH with root access
mkdir /mnt/[share_name]/users
### give owner full access to users folder, while everyone read&execute ###
chmod 755 /mnt/[share_name]/public
cd /mnt/[mount_name]
mkdir public
### give everyone read/write/full access to public folder ###
chmod 777 /mnt/[share_name]/public
mkdir users
cd users
mkdir [user1]
### give owner full access to users folder, while everyone read only ###
chmod 744 /mnt/[share_name]/[user1]
mkdir [user2]
mkdir [user3]
mkdir [user4]
### For home network: give everyone read/write/full access to bit torrent folder as torrent ###
chmod 777 /mnt/[mount_name]/jails/transmission_1/media
Services | Enable CIFS
NetBIOS name: data
Workgroup: WORKGROUP
Description: Company Data Server
? Enable home directories
? Enable home directories browsing
? Home directories: /mnt/[share_name]/users
Account | Users | Add User
Username = guest
Create a new primary group for the user = unchecked
Primary Group = guest
Full Name = Samba guest
Disable password login = checked (eliminate password requirements)
Storage | Volumes | /mnt/[share_name] | Change Permissions
Owner (user) = guest
Owner (group) = guest
Mode = rwxrwxrwx
Set permission recursively = checked
Services | CIFS | NetBIOS name = data | | Guest account = nobody or guest (need to create) |
– SSH into server