Author: kimconnect

How to Install NFS Server on Ubuntu 21.04

Installing NFS Server # Include prerequisites sudo apt update -y # Run updates prior to…

How to Check System Temperature on Ubuntu 21.04

# Install sensors sudo apt update -y sudo apt install lm-sensors hddtemp -y # Setup…

Run Memory Tester On Ubuntu 20.04

GNU Grub 2.04 does have memtest86+ that could be used to perform RAM load tests.…

How to Setup Software RAID on Ubuntu 20.04

Step 1: prepare to configure RAID by checking the system In the below example, we're…

Linux: Bash Shell Script To Move/Archive Old Files

# create a script to move files (notice the regex escape for special chars) sudo…

Should I Choose the Motherboard (Fake) Hardware Raid Or Software RAID?

Motherboard Hardware Raid: - Advantages: - OS Independence - Easier to setup and use- Disadvantages:…

Quick Command To Get Windows Version

To Get Windows Version as String: (Get-WmiObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption [deesee1]: PS C:\Users\kimconnect> (Get-WmiObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem).CaptionMicrosoft…

How To Use NXLog On A Windows Client

Step 1: Setup Server - Install a log aggregation server is out of scope of…

PowerShell: Create and Edit SMB Shares

# Create SMB Share $sharePath='C:\testshare' $accessList="$env:USERDOMAIN\Domain Admins","NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users" $shareName=split-path $sharePath -leaf mkdir $sharePath New-SmbShare…

Active Directory Group Policy – HIPPA Auditing

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law that required the…

PowerShell: Allow Log On To Remote Desktop Service

# editWindowsSecurity.ps1 # Version 0.0.1 # Notes: # - This has NOT been thoroughly tested.…

Windows WSL: How to Fix Broken bashrc File

Problem: When there's an incorrect setup of Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), where $HOME/.bashrc is…

Pihole Error: Tried 100 Times to Connect to FTL Server

Error Message: DataTables warning: table id=all-queries - Tried 100 times to connect to FTL server,…

Useful Linux Command Aliases

# Create an alias command lsn to display files with numerical representation of schmod permissions…

How To Move WordPress Site To Kubernetes Cluster

a. Create backups of source files and database - Logon to Current Hosting Provider to…

Linux: How to Create RSA Keys and SSH Agent

Step 1: Generate RSA Key # Command to generate rsa key for Ubuntu Linuxssh-keygen -t…

Dynamics NFS Provisioning in Kubernetes Cluster

Step 1: Creating NFS Server A. Create NFS Share on File ServerThere are many ways…

Setting Windows Security Auditing via Command Line

Please be advised that the follow auditpol cmdlet would be overridden by Group Policies in…

How To Turn On Windows SMB File Share Access Auditing

Step 1: Turn on File Editing Here is how to check for effective local group…