Author: kimconnect

Restoring AD – using Secondary Domain Controller

1. Reset Administrator password ntdsutil  reset password on server [servername]  [password], confirm [password]  quit, quit  2.…


------------------------------Clear out TEMP files on a regular basis - this is best done at startup…

How to remove a “No mapping between account names and security IDs was done” error

Case 1: This pertains to a domain-joined account on a domain-joined computer. These legacy cmdlets…

Error: Windows cannot load extensible counter DLL MSSQLSERVER, the first DWORD in data section is the Windows error code.

 Resolution:   Give everyone read/execute access to binn\sqlctr80.dll or msmdctr90.dll   # Set file$sqlctr =…

Another Logon Script Example from 2008

Method 1 - Mixed Environment:1. Edit the following script as appropriate2. Then, save such script…

How To Set Up an FTP Server in Windows Server 2003

Turn on FTP service:   Setup Home folders and security features:   Remember to allow…

Network Dual Routers

Netopia 4622 interfaces:- Outside 66.x.x.221- Inside 66.x.x.97 /29- Config: NAT off, DHCP on (serving only…


DELETE FROM `Profiles` WHERE Picture = '0'--------------------------------------------------Change password to "sexcenter"UPDATE `Profiles`SET Password = '5863294bde549649adab89940c3e09ea'WHERE Password…


The following commands copy folders and retain all security attributes:  robocopy "some directory" "some directory…

NTDS Utility

Creating Snapshot   ntdsutilsnapshotactivate instance ntdscreate# copy the copy the {GUID_NUMBER} into notepad for a…

Using Process Explorer

 Process Explorer shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded.…

Two Useful Workstation Shortcuts for Non-Savvy Users

Lockdown: %windir%\system32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation Shutdown: shutdown -s -m \\computername -t 7200

Public DNS servers

Free Public DNS ServersService provider: ScrubItPublic dns server address:** provider:OpenDNSOpenDNS free dns server…

VmWare Workstation 6, Linux disk expansion

Run the disk expansion command: "C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Workstation\vmware-vdiskmanager" -x 60Gb "D:\My Virtual Machines\Centos 5.2 Test3\Red…

VMware Virtual Disk Manager Does Not Expand Partitions

If you are using the VMware Virtual Disk Manager included in GSX Server, VMware Server,…

Installing VMWare tools

Install software needed by VMware Tools Note: you need to boot the 1-1 kernel from…

NUMLOCK windows XP

Go to Start>> Run. Type in: regedit [Enter] or click OK. Navigate to the following…

Nintendo Wii JailBreaking

1. install Hackmii 2. install cIOS38_rev14 (requires IOS36-64-v1042.wad or connection to the Internet) 3. install…

Excel Comma Delimited CSV with Quotes

Option ExplicitSub MakeFile()Dim rng As RangeDim NumR As LongDim NumC As LongDim CountR As LongDim…

Excel MD5 Hash Function

Go to the VB editor (Alt-F11), right-click on your workbook in theproject window, and click…