Author: kimconnect

Windows 2012 Advantages

1. Dynamic Access Control: automatically apply access restriction to certain files that contain sensitive information,…

Analyze BSOD Dump File

Install Debugging Tools for Windows as Standalone Component As Administrator, run CMD cd "C:\Program Files…

Daily database backup.bat

@echo offif %USERNAME%==Administrator echo you are administratorset RAREXEC="C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRar.exe"set RAREXEC="C:\Program Files\WinRAR\Rar.exe"set LOGFILE="c:\sys\backup.log"SET ARG1=%1IF EXIST D:\…

Script to Disable User Accounts

accountsToDisable.txtorangeapplepeartermed user REM disableAccounts.batREM read accountsToDisable.txt and convert names into proper DN entries. Save result…

Script to Backup Exchange Server

REM exchange.txtD:\Exchange2010\mailbox\TempDatabaseD:\Exchange2010\mailbox\Mailbox-Database-20150403D:\Exchange2010\mailbox\Public Folder Database 1998117930 REM exchangebackup.batecho offnet use S: \\FILESERVER01\backups\EXCHANGE-2010REM -------------------------------------------------------REM PARSE THE DATE…

Script to use WinRAR for backups

REM winrar_backup.batecho offSET FNAME=KIMCONNECTSET LOGFILE=\\FILESERVER01\backup\ads-02-backup.txtIF EXIST V:\ (NET USE V: /DELETE)net use v: \\FILESERVER01\backupIF %ERRORLEVEL%…

How to migrate DHCP Server

1. Run these commands on the existing DHCP server (currently Windows Server 2003)net stop dhcpservercd…

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Disaster Recovery

Features: 1. Multi-regions: compliance with Section 404 of COBIT requirements 2. Amazon S3 with redundancy, versioning, multi-factor…

DB2 AS400 to Microsoft SQL Conversion

SQL Ways Wizard: Enter ODBC data source, username, and password >> press Next Set Target…

Shoretel: Why do we need an inventory of MAC addresses?

Answer: systems such are Shoretel's licensing are dependent on the MAC address of the original…

Command line to stop, start, or restarting services

- Discover service names: #net start - Restart specific service: net stop {service_name} && net…

Server Cleanup

Install msizap.exe by installing the SDK package . Run msizap to clean up temporary files…

How to set VNC shortcut to run as another user

In order to make the VNC program run as another user you can do either…

Juniper Configuration

Piece of cake - no need to write anything here.

IP Address Summarization

Requirements: - 8+ subnets per site - 3+ sites - 500+ IPs per subnet -…

SAN Dell Equallogic PS6100E

Per documentation: Port density requirements to support fully redundant configurations and maximum SAN throughput for…

Logon Scripts

Purposes: Mapping network drives Installing and setting a user’s default printer Collecting computer system information…

Re-register PolicyAgent ipsecsvc.dll

Click the Start button. Type "command" in the search box... DO NOT hit ENTER yet!…

Use psexec to install application remotely

psexec @ComputerList.txt -u domain\administrator cmd /s /c "xcopy "\\NetworkPath\Forefront Software\Install.exe" "C:\Windows" && Install.exe /u /s…