Author: kimconnect

PowerShell: Error when Pause is Placed Inside Function

Error: + Function Search-ScheduledTasks{+ ~Missing closing '}' in statement block or type definition.At C:\Users\kdoan\Desktop\Notes\test.ps1:57 char:1+…

SMB 1 vs SMB2 Compatibility Issues

Cause: "SMB 1.0 is deprecated. Once this is removed, systems running Windows XP or Windows…

Increase Windows Management Instrumentation Service Handle Quota Limit

WMI.ps1----------------------------------------------$config = gwmi -Class "__ProviderHostQuotaConfiguration" -Namespace root$config | select -Property * -ExcludeProperty __* | ft…

MS SQL Maintenance

Below is a list of practical SQL snippets to administer Microsoft databases: -- Shrink Database:…

Set up centralized logging on Windows Server

Server: # winrm qc If this computer has VMWare workstation installed, it's "public network" needs…

Limitations: VM Import to AWS

VM to AWS instance limitations: - Cannot import VMs that have been created via P2V…

Windows Domain Controller restore Procedure

1. Terminate instance on AWS or Delete VM from VMWare 2. Perform these steps on…

How to Analyze Inbound / Outbound Traffic

Connect to the PacketShaper by entering the following into your web browser:       You will…

Increase memory allowance for WMI

Run: wbemtest.exe >> click Connect >> Namespace = root >> Connect >> click Enum Instances…

Sendmail Batch File

1. Download: 2. Place it in C:\Windows\System32   sendmail.bat --------------------------- senditquiet.exe -s -port 587…

Microsoft SQL: Force ReportServer database out of being stuck in recovery mode

Error: ALTER DATABASE is not permitted while a database is in the Restoring state. Should…

User Profile Hive Cleanup Service

The User Profile Hive Cleanup service helps to ensure user sessions are completely terminated when…

Router Console Methods

Router Console Methods: Configure Management Interface: mgmt intf Reset evaluation period: ssh into ESXi /etc/vmware/vmware.lic…

ESXi How To Perform Some Routine Tasks

Enable SSH on ESXi: Log onto vSphere Client as root Home >> Inventory >> Configuration…

Reset Internet Explorer Settings Script

You can reset Internet Explorer settings to return them to the state they were in when…

How to Install Asterisk on Ubuntu

su[enter root password]cd /tempwget apt-get install build-essential wget libssl-dev libncurses5-dev libnewt-dev libxml2-dev linux-headers-$(uname -r) libsqlite3-dev…

GPO Logon Banner

Update: this information is outdated. Use this link for the current method of creating Logon…


Kali Linux: Pen testing Linux Distro: VMware Images: AirCrack-NG: WIFI Acunetix: Web Servers…

System Backup Proposal for Businesses not Under Regulations

Objectives: - RPO 10 minutes for Data of mission critial servers (Domino & Finance) -…

Some Useful Windows Commands

Grand Permission: icacls "D:\" /grant kimconnect:(OI)(CI)F F= Full Control CI= Container Inherit - This flag…