Author: kimconnect

Quick 1-liner: Raise Domain Functional Level from 2003 to 2012 R2

This command is required to enable 2012R2 functional level (group policy replication) adprep /domainprep /gpprep…

How to convert Windows evaluation to a licensed version

Determine installed Windows version:   DISM /online /Get-CurrentEdition Check possible target editions:   DISM /online…

Reset CBT in VMware

# using VMware.VimAutomation.Coreclsif ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name VMware.VimAutomation.Core -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null ){Add-PsSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core}if ( (Get-PSSnapin…

Windows Desktop Preparation using FOG

1. Install FOG on Centos or Ubuntu 2. Download Windows Essentials: 3. Download Windows…

Run mmc with elevated domain administrator permissions

Method 1: Create a link with this path C:\Windows\System32\runas.exe /profile /env /user:[domain]\[user] "cmd /c mmc…

Import virtual machines from VMware ESX to AWS

Step 0, Option 1: Create AWS keys Info:   Step 0, option 2 -…

Uninstall Windows Product Key

Obtain activation ID: slmgr /dlv   Remove activation (example): slmgr /upk xxxx2e65-04b7-44c9-9d7b-ef402816xxxx slmgr /upk xxxx72c7-36b3-4e4b-b435-fd0b09b9xxxx

Delegate Administration Priviledges to Junior Admins

View Current Delegated Permissions: MMC Concole >> View Advanced Features >> Right-click desired OU, Properties…

Ideas for Open Source SAN using local storage

Use a server with local drives Set up Raid 0 Install "SheepDog on Centos/Ubuntu's KVM"…

Setup Virtual DMZ and Trust Zones with PFSense

I. Setup Route at Core Router1. Configure subnet, ip helper address, and default route---------- Example…

Benefits and Drawbacks of Desktop Virtualization

I. Benefits   1. Accessibility and convenience 2. Consistency of desktop experience 3. Data security…

Some Common SysAdmin Tools

LAN Speed Test: Desktop Manager: WAN IP: Java: TextPad:…

RDP Gateway with MFA

Step 1: Install RDS Gateway   Prerequisites: 1. Enable Power Shell Remoting  2. SSL Certs…

Create New Custom Attribute to User Class

Log onto Domain Controller Schema Master with an account belong to the group Schema Admin…

Adding a New Route onto Enterasys Core Switch

Enterasys L3 switch:routerenableconfigureinterface vlan 200ip address #DMZ Gatewayip helper-address #(DC01)ip helper-address…

WSUS Automatic Update Approval Settings

In Update Rules, click New Rule. In the Add Rule dialog box, under Step 1:…

How to manually point servers in the DMZ to WSUS server for updates

The servers in the DMZ are not part of the domain and you must manually…

Project Servers Virtualization

Project Scope: The scope of this project is limited to stabilizing production environment by ensuring…

Conversion Plan (draft 0.1)

Overview There shall be three phases of this project to ensure minimal disruption to production…

IT Security Compliance

To prepare an organization for compliance of Section 404 of COBIT (Control Objectives for Information…