Author: kimconnect


This open source project is free to use and distribute, which lowers licensing costs as…

SQL Admin

How to Trace Deadlocks:SQL Management Studio >> Tools >> SQL Profiler >> log in >>…

Dial Plans Decoded

() parenthesis enclose the dial plan | pipe means OR x represents a digit between…

Sync AD OU Containers with Group Memberships

Script to Add Group Membership:for /f "tokens=*" %A IN ('dsquery user %PATH_TO_OU%') DO dsmod user…

Registry Key to Reset Offline Cache

Symptom:File(s) and/or folder(s) is inaccessible from a certain machine when navigating toward the remote file…

How to Change iTunes Backup Location of Storage In Windows

Make a directory junction after moving the backup storage location robocopy "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync" "D:\iphone_backups" /E…

How to Setup Snom Model M9r SIP Phone with ShoreTel

Ensure that ShoreTel requirements are met Each SIP extension needs 1 IP Phone and 1…

Increase the Disk Timeout On Windows Servers

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\disk]"TimeOutValue"=dword:0000003cChange timeout value to 10 minutes:"TimeOutValue"=dword:00000258

PowerShell Commands to Install the NTFSSecurity Module

Background information:- NTFS code is hosted on Github: Find module path with this command:…

VMWare Networking Stuff

ManagementMTU: 1500 VM NetworkMTU: Default (1500) vMotionMTU: 1500vMotion must be selected on the vMkernel iSCSI…

FTP On Upload Email

# Connection details# If your SMTP server does not support SSL, remove the -UseSSL parameter…

Manual Sync for Office 365 Azure-AD Integration

1. Perform Prerequisites:* a. Install Dot Net Framework 4.5 )* b. Install Windows Management Framework…

Script to Push Files to Remote SFTP Server

# 1. Install WINSCP and include it in the %PATH% environmental variables# 2. Run this…

PowerShell Script to Clean Up Files Older than X Days

$purgePeriod = 30;$folders = '\\FILSERVER01\ORDERS\BACKUP','C:\SFTP_BACKUP';Get-ChildItem -path $folders | where {$_.Lastwritetime -lt (date).adddays(-$purgePeriod)} | remove-item;

PowerShell Script to Read/Parse XML Files in a Directory

# This script is to be set on the FTP server or $folder = '\\FTPSERVER05\SFTP\EDI\INCOMING';$files…

ARP MAC to IP Resolution

If entry already exists on the ARP table:arp -a | find "XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX"If entry does not…

PowerShell Script to Send Email

Use this newer method: ### Variables section ###$fromaddress = "[email protected]"$toaddress = "[email protected]"$bccaddress = ""$CCaddress…

HP Procurve Cheat Sheet

Steps (9 total) 1. Config Files and Flash Files #show config --- Show config file#show…

Script to Purge Stuck Print Jobs

Create a Task Scheduler:- Program to run: powershell.exe- Argument: -ExecutionPolicy Bypass c:\scripts\clearStuckQueue.ps1- Trigger: daily, repeat…

Multiple Spanning Tree on Cisco

Telnet to CORE1:sys #enter system configstp region-configurationregion-name HQrevision-level 1instance 1 vlan 1 2 15instance 2…