I. Benefits
1. Accessibility and convenience
2. Consistency of desktop experience
3. Data security
  • Data is not stored on the client devices, so loosing a workstation or laptop would not compromise company’s proprietary information
  • While viruses can still infect the client device, it may not affect the server
  • Data on the server can be encrypted so that it cannot be copied outside of its protected environment
4. Ease of administration
5. Cost savings
  • Commodity hardware can be used
  • Workstation warranty is no longer necessary
  • Windows 7 licenses are no longer needed
  • Antivirus for client devices are no longer required
  • Internet filter (Websense) is only necessary only on one device, the server
  • Quicker deployment time and less setup lead-time from technicians
  • Company provided home routers are no longer necessary
II. Drawbacks
1. Points of failure are reduced to a few centralized servers
2. Network dependency
3. Reduction of IT personnel count