Category: Linux

Open VPN Client Configuration Fix

OpenVPN client works very well on Windows 7 machines. However, its Windows 10 and Linux…

WordPress Multi-site with Single Sign On (SSO)

Step 1: Login Access the correct environment using wp_admin login with the DevOps standard password:…

LDAP Ubuntu Client Setup

Install the client application: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -y install libnss-ldapd libpam-ldapd ldap-utils nscd…

OpenLDAP Migration

LDAP PKGSRC Cutover # Compress ldap directory on WEB01.PROD tar -C /home/webadmin/pkg/var/openldap -czvf /tmp/kimconnect-com.gz kimconnect-com…

Useful Linux Commands

# Check SSH connection activities by reading its log (Redhat / Centos) tail -f -n…

Implement Docker & Portainer

Prerequisites:OS: base image Centos 7 Create network bridge from command line: # Network: x.x.x.128/26 Range:…

DD for Ubuntu & Windows

DD on Ubuntu admin@laptop:~$ sudo dd if='/home/admin/Downloads/CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1804.iso' of=/dev/sdb [sudo] password for admin: 1855488+0 records in…

How to transfer files between Windows client to Unix Server

Download PSCP: Move the executable to C:\Windows\System32 Run CMD as Administrator and copy files,…