Category: Linux

Linux: Useful GUI Tools

Terminator - Connect to multiple machines- Run same commands on multiple machines SIMULTANEOUSLY!- Useful for…

Linux: A Quick Sequence of Starting and Stopping an App

Check to see if SeaHorse is broken kimconnect@nuc:# seahorseGtk-Message: 08:52:44.606: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"Gtk-Message:…

Linux: More Basic Commands

Networking Ping 1 Time ping -c 1 #c is abbreviation for count Check Networking…

Ubuntu 19.04: How to Install Adobe Acrobat Reader

Back  in the days when Adobe Acrobat Reader for Linux was supported and available on…

Ubuntu: Adding and Remove Repositories (Repos)

The following is a blunder I've made while attempting to install Acrobat Reader on Ubuntu…

Logical Volume Manager (LVM) in Red Hat

Overview Most modern Linux versions are compatible with LVM, an open source equivalent to Storage…

Yet Another Quick List of Linux Commands

Here's a quick list of useful Linux lines that Admins should be committing to muscle…

Git / Github / Gitlab

1. Install Git/Github/Gitlab This utility enables cloning of source codes to the local machine, among…

How to Copy and Paste in VIM / VI

While reading or in editing mode, press ESC twice Move the cursor to the desired…

Linux: How to Create a User and Add to Group in a Single Line?

This is a common question for Linux Admins. It would be necessary to memorize the…

Linux Notes Dump (From 100 Years Ago)

1) LinuxFix Flash Firefox Freezingsudo mkdir /etc/adobeecho "OverridePGUValidation=true" >~/mms.cfgsudo mv ~/mms.cfg /etc/adobe/sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfreeInstall…

Redhat 7.5 Installation

Standard Default Installation Instructions At the initial loading screen, press the UP arrow to select…

How to Import Files Into a Docker Container

1. Use SCP to copy files to the remote server while logged onto the local…

Wireshark Overview

SysAdmins, InfoSec, and Network Engineers often use this tool to troubleshot and detect network activities…

How to Install Chromium or Chrome on Debian-based Linux

Open Source Chromium Q: What's the difference between Chrome and Chromium? A: Chrome is enhanced…

How to Transfer Files Via SSH or WinRM

Secured Shell (SSH) is the prevalent standard for remote accessing of Linux systems. Even Microsoft…

Sample Multi-Site Metadata

SimpleSAML PHP module requires that each site to be configured with a $metadata entry. Below…

LAMPP: Change Apache Listening Port

Change Apache listening port:vim /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.confEdit line:Listen 80 (change to 8888)OPEN port 8888:vim /etc/sysconfig/iptables-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m…

File Searching in Linux

Step 1 Index your file system with updatedb. This makes a list of files so…

Yum commands to update server

Wanna ace your Linux job interviews? Well, read more Linuxy stuff and cramp your brain…