Category: Codes

PowerShell: Script to Search Scheduled Tasks for a Service Account

#$jumpBox=$env:COMPUTERNAME$servers="WEB01"$runas="Network Service"# Admin$who = whoami if ($who.substring($who.length-5, 5) -eq "-admin"){$username=$who;} else {$username=$who+"-admin";}#$password = Read-Host -Prompt…

Python: RegEx Module

It's been opinionated that a string operation is made complete only with RegEx. Hence, Python…

Python Module: JSON

Overview JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is written in plain-text that is very useful to store…

Python Module: Datetime

Datetime Programs often include dates and time to perform interactive greetings, calculate age, stamping backups,…

Python Language Condensed

Strings # declare variable stringsomeString = "Hoy Matey"# Yank positional 1 to 3 within stringyank…

Methods to Embed JavaScript Codes into WordPress

Insert Headers and Footers Plugin - automatically apply script site wide Shortcoder Plugin - make…

Script to Rename Computers in Active Directory

1. Run this PowerShell Script to rename 1 computer: $admin = "KIMCONNECT\"+ Read-Host "Enter the…

ASCII Characters

DEC OCT HEX Symbol HTML Number Description 32 040 20     Space 33 041…

PowerShell: Execution Policy

This is an example when Windows has an execution policy set as Restricted: PS C:\Users\KimConnect>…

Regular Expression (RegEx) Overview

A good online tool to test your regex skills: Syntax: 1. /pattern/flags2. New RegExp(pattern,…

Troubleshooting or Software Debugging Steps

1. Validate the problem2. Find to root cause by tailing logs or stack tracing3. Reproduce…

Microsoft IIS-7 Application Pools

Why run applications inside Application pools? It's a recommended practice to isolate applications even if…

Recommended Skill Set of a Programmer

It's a given that a coder needs to learn how to code... like really well.…

Common JavaScript Techniques

Common JavaScript Techniques:1. Demonstate your understanding of they keyword typeofconsole.log(typeof typeof 1);// this follows the…

How to Import Files Into a Docker Container

1. Use SCP to copy files to the remote server while logged onto the local…

IIS Server Troubleshooting

Issue: There has been a time when a production IIS server becomes unreachable via RDP,…

Where to Put JavaScript Codes?

Most often, JavaScript is placed between the <head> and </head> section. However, that may not…

How to Disable WordPress Auto Wrap Function ‘wpautp’

Update: the current version of WordPress has rendered these methods ineffective. I'll update this post…

Use CSS Override to Modify WordPress 2016 Theme

August 28th, 2020 update Modifications: 1. Move search bar to top right Edit header.php: Dashboard…

JavaScript: Build a Tic Tac Toe Game (without AI)

Demo: CSS Code: @import url('');body{ font-family: 'Merienda', cursive; font-weight: bold;}#gameBoard { width: 396px; //…