Category: Windows

Increase the Disk Timeout On Windows Servers

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\disk]"TimeOutValue"=dword:0000003cChange timeout value to 10 minutes:"TimeOutValue"=dword:00000258

Manual Sync for Office 365 Azure-AD Integration

1. Perform Prerequisites:* a. Install Dot Net Framework 4.5 )* b. Install Windows Management Framework…

Script to Purge Stuck Print Jobs

Create a Task Scheduler:- Program to run: powershell.exe- Argument: -ExecutionPolicy Bypass c:\scripts\clearStuckQueue.ps1- Trigger: daily, repeat…

Office 365 Rules

Block Executables: Reject large files:  Sender is located Outside the organization The message size is…

Proposal: Network Optimization (Simplified)

Kim ConnectNetwork Optimization Proposal June 23, 2017 Overview 1.    Project Background and Description We are…

User Account Creation Script

1. Create Account in AD a. Select the correct container b. copy memberships of another…

Windows Quick Short-cuts

Quick short-cuts:sysdm.cplcontrol printersdesk.cplpowercfg.cplncpa.cplgpedit.msccompmgmtlauncherwscui.cplfsmgmt.mscmsinfo32cleanmgr

Server PDC Time Clock Synchronization 

Configuring the Windows Time service to use an external time source To configure an internal…

User Account Group Membership Copy

This is the quick snippet to be executed in the context of a Domain Administrator:…

One-Liner: Capture Report of Logons in AD

echo %date%,%time%,%username%,logon,%computername% >> \\FILESERVER01\IT\scripts\logons.csv

Show Users Logons per Computer Names

# This script is to obtain log on information from a set of target computernames…

Typical Group Policies

Printers: set policy to automatically deploy printers, then allow logon to trigger the deployment and…

Quick and Dirty Script to Watch and Start / Restart Windows Service

// powershell.exe// -ExecutionPolicy Bypass c:\scripts\serviceCheck.ps1$serviceName = '[input-service-name-here]'$arrService = Get-Service -Name $serviceNamewhile ($arrService.Status -ne 'Running'){ Start-Service…

Exchange: New-MoveRequest

New-MoveRequest -Identity '[email protected]' -TargetDatabase "DB01" -WhatIfNew-MoveRequest -Identity '[email protected]' -TargetDatabase "DB01"Get-Mailbox -Database DB01 | New-MoveRequest -TargetDatabase…

Find Hostnames per UserID in Event Logs on Domain Controllers

$targetAccounts=Get-Content "C:\Users\kimconnect\Desktop\targetAccounts.txt"function Get-UserComputerName { <#.SYNOPSIS Searches a specified Domain Controller for the computername of a…

PowerShell RandomPassword Function

function randomPassword{    # return a reasonably randomized password that starts with "KimConnect:" plus 25…

SIP with Sonicwall Issues

Disabled SIP Transformations Enabled Consistent NAT Added a Service Group with SIP Ports 5060-5062, RTP…

Exchange 2010 Discovery Management

Prerequisites: Exchange Admins need these three roles to perform operations on mailboxes: Mailbox Search, Mailbox…

Windows Server Power Settings

powercfg /setactive SCHEME_MINpowercfg /hibernate offpowercfg -L