Windows 2000,XP Pro, 2003 Server
robocopy.exe- in the windows resource kits or download here (save as)
subinalc.exe- in the windows resource kits or download here (save as)
For this example we will assume that
robocopy.exe and subinacl.exe are in your local PATH
The C: drive is your main hard drive
I generally pull the harddrive out of the client computer and transfer the data from a workstion to our backup server using a removable drive tray.
the SOURCE is the F: Drive and is an NTFS file system. (if not NTFS, just remove the first line in the batch file below)
The SOURCE is NOT the partition that is running Windows currently.
the destination is a mapped network folder T:\test
Install both of these and then create a new text file called robocopy.cmd on your desktop.
Line 1 will use subinalc to take ownership of all the file on the SOURCE and give Everyone Full Control of the files and folders. I had to do this because some security settings will cause a failure copying files. Especially ones in application data and local settings.
start /wait subinacl.exe /errorlog=”C:\errorlog.txt” /nostatistic /subdirectories F: /[email protected] /grant=Everyone=F /objectexclude=*.swp /objectexclude=*.dmp
/objectexclude=*.tmp /objectexclude=pagefile.sys /objectexclude=hiberfil.sys
start /wait subinacl .exe //this starts the script and waits for it to complete before moving to the next line in the batch file
/errorlog=”C:\errorlog.txt” //this saves an error log to the path specified
/nostatistic //this suppresses displaying the progress
/subdirectories //Makes it do all files and subdirectories in the path specified
F: //Path to hard drive
/[email protected] //Who takes ownership of the files
/grant=Everyone=F //Grant Everyone Full Permissions
/objectexclude=*.tmp // no need wasting time on a file we aren’t going to copy.
Line 2 Will robocopy the entire contents of the harddrive expect: *.swp *.dmp *.tmp pagefile.sys hiberfil.sys MCAF*.TMP “$VAULT$.AVG” “_RESTORE” “MSOCache” “Recycled” “RECYCLER” “Temporary Internet Files” “System Volume Information” “WUTemp”
I don’t copy those files because I have never run into a time when I needed anything in any the folders and it just wastes time to copy them.
start /wait robocopy.exe F:\ T:\test /E /ZB /COPY:DAT /IA:RASHNTCEO /X /V /FP /XF *.swp *.dmp *.tmp pagefile.sys hiberfil.sys /XD MCAF*.TMP “$VAULT$.AVG” “_RESTORE” “MSOCache” “Recycled” “RECYCLER” “Temporary Internet Files” “System Volume Information” “WUTemp” /R:1 /W:0 /LOG:”C:\Documents and Settings\Yan\Desktop\robolog.txt” /TEE
start /wait robocopy .exe //this starts the script and waits for it to complete before moving to the next line in the batch file
F:\ //Source
T:\test //Destination
So now just double click robocopy.cmd on your desktop and away it goes…