Run these commands to check dot net 3.5:
PS C:\Windows\system32> import-module servermanager
PS C:\Windows\system32> get-windowsfeature web-asp-net
Display Name Name Install State
------------ ---- -------------
[ ] ASP.NET 3.5 Web-Asp-Net Available
Install ASP.NET 3.5:
PS C:\Windows\system32> install-windowsfeature web-asp-net
Success Restart Needed Exit Code Feature Result
------- -------------- --------- --------------
True No Success {ASP.NET 4.8, Application Development, ASP...
Run this command to check dot net 4.5:
PS C:\Windows\system32> get-windowsfeature Net-Framework-45-Core
Display Name Name Install State
------------ ---- -------------
[X] .NET Framework 4.8 NET-Framework-45-Core Installed
If necessary, install DotNet 4.5:
add-windowsfeature Net-Framework-45-Core