I mostly work with Debian Etch 4 but the process would pretty much be the same. There are a few things that you are going to need before you can install and run red5.
Java jdk. I would go with the latest available version. 1.6.* see the centos howto https://wiki.centos.org/HowTos(2f)JavaOnCentOS.html
apache ant. It may be in the package repositories. if not download it.
subversion – yum install subversion
That should be all of the basic requirements. However, I would also install screen via yum install screen(not sure if that is the package name).
This is how I installed red5 on my old FC4 server and my new Debian Etch server.
hostname:~# svn co red5-trunk
that should checkout the red5 trunk into the red5-trunk directory. Now you should have both java and ant installed at this point. To make sure do the following:
hostname:~# java -v should display java version
hostname:~# ant -version should be 1.7.0
now you are ready to build the server.
hostname:~# cd red5-trunk
hostname:~/red5trunk# ant ivyclear dist
that will clear the ivy configs and build the server. Once that is finished I would first try and run the server from the red5-trunk/dist directory to make sure it is working.
hostname:~/red5trunk# cd dist
hostname:~/red5trunk/dist# chmod 755 red5.sh
hostname:~/red5trunk/dist# sh red5.sh
At this point the server should start. You can hit Ctr+ C to stop it. If you get this far without errors you should be good to go. However, I like to keep red5 in /usr/local/red5 so I would do the following.
hostname:~/red5trunk# mkdir /usr/local/red5
hostname:~/red5trunk# cp -R dist/* /usr/local/red5
Now you can navigate to /usr/local/red5 and start the server in the same was as above. If at this point there are no errors you should now have the latest version of red5 installed and working fine. I mentioned above that I like to use screen. The main reason is that when you close out your ssh session red5 will shut down unless it is running as a daemon process. So I use screen like this
hostname:/usr/local/red5# screen This will load the screen welcome message press return
hostname:/usr/local/red5# sh red5.sh
Now hit Ctrl A then hit d. This will detach the session that is running red5. If you need to restart or shut the server down you can
hostname:/usr/local/red5# screen -R
and that will reattach the session.