These JavaScript codes are open source and part of many applications, such as NextGen Gallery. Their contents are pasted here for ease of reading and referencing.
// lightbox_context.min.js
"use strict";function nextgen_lightbox_filter_selector(e,t){if(nextgen_lightbox_settings&&nextgen_lightbox_settings.context){var n=nextgen_lightbox_settings.context;"all_images"==n?t=t.add(e("a > img").parent()):"all_images_direct"==n?t=t.add(e("a[href] > img").parent().filter(function(){var t=e(this).attr("href").toLowerCase(),n=t.substring(t.length-3),g=t.substring(t.length-4);return"jpg"==n||"gif"==n||"png"==n||"tiff"==g||"jpeg"==g||"webp"==g})):"nextgen_and_wp_images"==n&&(t=t.add(e('a > img[class*="wp-image-"]').parent())),t=t.not(".gallery_link"),t=t.not(".use_imagebrowser_effect")}return t}
// common.js
(function($) {
window.NggPaginatedGallery = function(displayed_gallery_id, container) {
this.displayed_gallery_id = displayed_gallery_id;
this.container = $(container);
this.container_name = container;
this.get_displayed_gallery_obj = function() {
var index = 'gallery_' + this.displayed_gallery_id;
if (typeof(window.galleries[index]) == 'undefined') {
return false;
} else {
return window.galleries[index];
this.enable_ajax_pagination = function() {
var self = this;
// Attach a click event handler for each pagination link to adjust the request to be sent via XHR
$('body').on('click', 'a.ngg-browser-prev, a.ngg-browser-next', function (event) {
var skip = true;
$(this).parents(container).each(function() {
if ($(this).data('nextgen-gallery-id') != self.displayed_gallery_id) {
return true;
skip = false;
if (!skip) {
} else {
// Adjust the user notification
$('body, a').css('cursor', 'wait');
// Send the AJAX request
$.get($(this).attr('href'), function (response) {
if (window['ngg_ajax_operaton_count'] <= 0) {
window['ngg_ajax_operaton_count'] = 0;
$('body, a').css('cursor', 'auto');
if (response) {
var html = $(response);
var replacement = false;
html.find(self.container_name).each(function() {
if (replacement) {
return true;
if ($(this).data('nextgen-gallery-id') != self.displayed_gallery_id) {
return true;
replacement = $(this);
if (replacement) {
self.container.each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
if ($'nextgen-gallery-id') != self.displayed_gallery_id) {
return true;
// If the image gallery makes up the bulk of the post/page content the .html() call
// below will empty the contents causing the browser's scroll position to be reset to
// zero as the browser believes it has been pushed back to the top of the page. Here
// we give the parent container a min-height equal to the gallery's height to prevent
// this flicker and resetting of the scroll position.
var $new_element = $(replacement.html());
var promises = $new_element.find('img').toArray().map(function(img){
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
var i = new Image();
i.src = img.src;
$(i).on('load', resolve);
// Let the user know that we've refreshed the content
return true;
// Initialize
var displayed_gallery = this.get_displayed_gallery_obj();
if (displayed_gallery) {
if (typeof(displayed_gallery.display_settings['ajax_pagination']) != 'undefined') {
if (parseInt(displayed_gallery.display_settings['ajax_pagination'])) {
// We maintain a count of all the current AJAX actions initiated
if (typeof(window['ngg_ajax_operation_count']) == 'undefined') {
window['ngg_ajax_operaton_count'] = 0;
// Polyfill for older browsers
Object.setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(obj, proto) {
obj.__proto__ = proto;
return obj;
if (typeof window.galleries !== 'undefined') {
get_api_version: function() {
return '0.1';
get_from_id: function (gallery_id) {
var self = this;
var retval = null;
var keys = Object.keys(this);
for (var i = 1; i <= keys.length; i++) {
var gallery = self[keys[i - 1]];
if (gallery.ID === gallery_id || gallery.ID === 'gallery_' + gallery_id || gallery.ID === parseInt(gallery_id)) {
retval = gallery;
return retval;
get_from_slug: function (slug) {
var self = this;
var retval = null;
var keys = Object.keys(this);
for (var i = 1; i <= keys.length; i++) {
var gallery = self[keys[i - 1]];
if (gallery.slug === slug) {
retval = gallery;
return retval;
get_setting: function(gallery_id, name, def) {
var tmp = '';
var gallery = this.get_from_id(gallery_id);
if (gallery && typeof gallery[name] !== 'undefined') {
tmp = gallery[name];
} else {
tmp = def;
if (tmp === 1) tmp = true;
if (tmp === 0) tmp = false;
if (tmp === '1') tmp = true;
if (tmp === '0') tmp = false;
if (tmp === 'false') tmp = false;
if (tmp === 'true') tmp = true;
return tmp;
get_display_setting: function(gallery_id, name, def) {
var tmp = '';
var gallery = this.get_from_id(gallery_id);
if (gallery && typeof gallery.display_settings[name] !== 'undefined') {
tmp = gallery.display_settings[name];
} else {
tmp = def;
if (tmp === 1) tmp = true;
if (tmp === 0) tmp = false;
if (tmp === '1') tmp = true;
if (tmp === '0') tmp = false;
if (tmp === 'false') tmp = false;
if (tmp === 'true') tmp = true;
return tmp;
is_widget: function(gallery_id) {
var retval = false;
var gallery = this.get_from_id(gallery_id);
var slug = gallery.slug;
if (slug) {
return slug.indexOf('widget-ngg-images') !== -1;
return retval;
); }
// lightbox_context.js
function nextgen_lightbox_filter_selector($, selector)
if (nextgen_lightbox_settings && nextgen_lightbox_settings.context) {
var context = nextgen_lightbox_settings.context;
if (context == 'all_images') {
selector = selector.add($('a > img').parent());
else if (context == 'all_images_direct') {
selector = selector.add($('a[href] > img').parent()
.filter(function() {
var href = $(this).attr('href').toLowerCase();
var ext = href.substring(href.length - 3);
var ext2 = href.substring(href.length - 4);
return (ext == 'jpg' || ext == 'gif' || ext == 'png' || ext2 == 'tiff' || ext2 == 'jpeg' || ext2 == 'webp');
else if (context == 'nextgen_and_wp_images') {
selector = selector.add($('a > img[class*="wp-image-"]').parent());
selector = selector.not('.gallery_link');
selector = selector.not('.use_imagebrowser_effect');
return selector;
// simple_lightbox.js
By André Rinas,
Available for use under the MIT License
Version 2.1.5
"use strict";
function _createForOfIteratorHelper(o) { if (typeof Symbol === "undefined" || o[Symbol.iterator] == null) { if (Array.isArray(o) || (o = _unsupportedIterableToArray(o))) { var i = 0; var F = function F() {}; return { s: F, n: function n() { if (i >= o.length) return { done: true }; return { done: false, value: o[i++] }; }, e: function e(_e) { throw _e; }, f: F }; } throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); } var it, normalCompletion = true, didErr = false, err; return { s: function s() { it = o[Symbol.iterator](); }, n: function n() { var step =; normalCompletion = step.done; return step; }, e: function e(_e2) { didErr = true; err = _e2; }, f: function f() { try { if (!normalCompletion && it["return"] != null) it["return"](); } finally { if (didErr) throw err; } } }; }
function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); var n =, -1); if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n =; if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(n); if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); }
function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
var SimpleLightbox = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
function SimpleLightbox(elements, options) {
var _this = this;
_classCallCheck(this, SimpleLightbox);
_defineProperty(this, "defaultOptions", {
sourceAttr: 'href',
overlay: true,
spinner: true,
nav: true,
navText: ['‹', '›'],
captions: true,
captionDelay: 0,
captionSelector: 'img',
captionType: 'attr',
captionsData: 'title',
captionPosition: 'bottom',
captionClass: '',
close: true,
closeText: '×',
swipeClose: true,
showCounter: true,
fileExt: 'png|jpg|jpeg|gif|webp',
animationSlide: true,
animationSpeed: 250,
preloading: true,
enableKeyboard: true,
loop: true,
rel: false,
docClose: true,
swipeTolerance: 50,
className: 'simple-lightbox',
widthRatio: 0.8,
heightRatio: 0.9,
scaleImageToRatio: false,
disableRightClick: false,
disableScroll: true,
alertError: true,
alertErrorMessage: 'Image not found, next image will be loaded',
additionalHtml: false,
history: true,
throttleInterval: 0,
doubleTapZoom: 2,
maxZoom: 10,
htmlClass: 'has-lightbox',
rtl: false
_defineProperty(this, "transitionPrefix", void 0);
_defineProperty(this, "transitionCapable", false);
_defineProperty(this, "isTouchDevice", 'ontouchstart' in window);
_defineProperty(this, "initialLocationHash", void 0);
_defineProperty(this, "pushStateSupport", 'pushState' in history);
_defineProperty(this, "isOpen", false);
_defineProperty(this, "isAnimating", false);
_defineProperty(this, "isClosing", false);
_defineProperty(this, "urlChangedOnce", false);
_defineProperty(this, "hashReseted", false);
_defineProperty(this, "historyHasChanges", false);
_defineProperty(this, "historyUpdateTimeout", null);
_defineProperty(this, "currentImage", void 0);
_defineProperty(this, "eventNamespace", 'simplelightbox');
_defineProperty(this, "domNodes", {});
_defineProperty(this, "loadedImages", []);
_defineProperty(this, "initialImageIndex", 0);
_defineProperty(this, "currentImageIndex", 0);
_defineProperty(this, "initialSelector", null);
_defineProperty(this, "globalScrollbarWidth", 0);
_defineProperty(this, "controlCoordinates", {
swipeDiff: 0,
swipeYDiff: 0,
swipeStart: 0,
swipeEnd: 0,
swipeYStart: 0,
swipeYEnd: 0,
mousedown: false,
imageLeft: 0,
zoomed: false,
containerHeight: 0,
containerWidth: 0,
containerOffsetX: 0,
containerOffsetY: 0,
imgHeight: 0,
imgWidth: 0,
capture: false,
initialOffsetX: 0,
initialOffsetY: 0,
initialPointerOffsetX: 0,
initialPointerOffsetY: 0,
initialPointerOffsetX2: 0,
initialPointerOffsetY2: 0,
initialScale: 1,
initialPinchDistance: 0,
pointerOffsetX: 0,
pointerOffsetY: 0,
pointerOffsetX2: 0,
pointerOffsetY2: 0,
targetOffsetX: 0,
targetOffsetY: 0,
targetScale: 0,
pinchOffsetX: 0,
pinchOffsetY: 0,
limitOffsetX: 0,
limitOffsetY: 0,
scaleDifference: 0,
targetPinchDistance: 0,
touchCount: 0,
doubleTapped: false,
touchmoveCount: 0
this.options = Object.assign(this.defaultOptions, options);
if (typeof elements === 'string') {
this.initialSelector = elements;
this.elements = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(elements));
} else {
this.elements = typeof elements.length !== 'undefined' && elements.length > 0 ? Array.from(elements) : [elements];
this.relatedElements = [];
this.transitionPrefix = this.calculateTransitionPrefix();
this.transitionCapable = this.transitionPrefix !== false;
this.initialLocationHash = this.hash; // this should be handled by attribute selector IMHO! => 'a[rel=bla]'...
if (this.options.rel) {
this.elements = this.getRelated(this.options.rel);
if (this.options.close) {
if (this.options.nav) {
if (this.options.spinner) {
this.addEventListener(this.elements, 'click.' + this.eventNamespace, function (event) {
if (_this.isValidLink(event.currentTarget)) {
if (_this.isAnimating) {
return false;
_this.initialImageIndex = _this.elements.indexOf(event.currentTarget);
}); // close addEventListener click addEventListener doc
if (this.options.docClose) {
this.addEventListener(this.domNodes.overlay, ['click.' + this.eventNamespace, 'touchstart.' + this.eventNamespace], function (event) {
if (_this.isOpen) {
} // disable rightclick
if (this.options.disableRightClick) {
this.addEventListener(document.body, 'contextmenu.' + this.eventNamespace, function (event) {
if ('sl-overlay')) {
} // keyboard-control
if (this.options.enableKeyboard) {
this.addEventListener(document.body, 'keyup.' + this.eventNamespace, this.throttle(function (event) {
_this.controlCoordinates.swipeDiff = 0; // keyboard control only if lightbox is open
if (_this.isAnimating && event.key === 'Escape') {
_this.currentImage.setAttribute('src', '');
_this.isAnimating = false;
return _this.close();
if (_this.isOpen) {
if (event.key === 'Escape') {
if (!_this.isAnimating && ['ArrowLeft', 'ArrowRight'].indexOf(event.key) > -1) {
_this.loadImage(event.key === 'ArrowRight' ? 1 : -1);
}, this.options.throttleInterval));
_createClass(SimpleLightbox, [{
key: "createDomNodes",
value: function createDomNodes() {
this.domNodes.overlay = document.createElement('div');
this.domNodes.overlay.dataset.opacityTarget = ".7";
this.domNodes.closeButton = document.createElement('button');
this.domNodes.closeButton.innerHTML = this.options.closeText;
this.domNodes.spinner = document.createElement('div');
this.domNodes.spinner.innerHTML = '<div></div>';
this.domNodes.navigation = document.createElement('div');
this.domNodes.navigation.innerHTML = "<button class=\"sl-prev\">".concat(this.options.navText[0], "</button><button class=\"sl-next\">").concat(this.options.navText[1], "</button>");
this.domNodes.counter = document.createElement('div');
this.domNodes.counter.innerHTML = '<span class="sl-current"></span>/<span class="sl-total"></span>';
this.domNodes.caption = document.createElement('div');
this.domNodes.caption.classList.add('sl-caption', 'pos-' + this.options.captionPosition);
if (this.options.captionClass) {
this.domNodes.image = document.createElement('div');
this.domNodes.wrapper = document.createElement('div');
if (this.options.className) {
if (this.options.rtl) {
}, {
key: "throttle",
value: function throttle(func, limit) {
var inThrottle;
return function () {
if (!inThrottle) {
func.apply(this, arguments);
inThrottle = true;
setTimeout(function () {
return inThrottle = false;
}, limit);
}, {
key: "isValidLink",
value: function isValidLink(element) {
return !this.options.fileExt || 'pathname' in element && new RegExp('(' + this.options.fileExt + ')$', 'i').test(element.pathname);
}, {
key: "calculateTransitionPrefix",
value: function calculateTransitionPrefix() {
var s = (document.body || document.documentElement).style;
return 'transition' in s ? '' : 'WebkitTransition' in s ? '-webkit-' : 'MozTransition' in s ? '-moz-' : 'OTransition' in s ? '-o' : false;
}, {
key: "toggleScrollbar",
value: function toggleScrollbar(type) {
var scrollbarWidth = 0;
if (type === 'hide') {
var fullWindowWidth = window.innerWidth;
if (!fullWindowWidth) {
var documentElementRect = document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect();
fullWindowWidth = documentElementRect.right - Math.abs(documentElementRect.left);
if (document.body.clientWidth < fullWindowWidth) {
var scrollDiv = document.createElement('div'),
paddingRight = parseInt( || 0, 10);
scrollbarWidth = scrollDiv.offsetWidth - scrollDiv.clientWidth;
document.body.dataset.originalPaddingRight = paddingRight;
if (scrollbarWidth > 0) {
document.body.classList.add('hidden-scroll'); = paddingRight + scrollbarWidth + 'px';
} else {
document.body.classList.remove('hidden-scroll'); = document.body.dataset.originalPaddingRight;
return scrollbarWidth;
}, {
key: "close",
value: function close() {
var _this2 = this;
if (!this.isOpen || this.isAnimating || this.isClosing) {
return false;
this.isClosing = true;
var element = this.relatedElements[this.currentImageIndex];
element.dispatchEvent(new Event('close.simplelightbox'));
if (this.options.history) {
this.historyHasChanges = false;
if (!this.hashReseted) {
this.fadeOut(document.querySelectorAll('.sl-image img, .sl-overlay, .sl-close, .sl-navigation, .sl-image .sl-caption, .sl-counter'), 300, function () {
if (_this2.options.disableScroll) {
if (_this2.options.htmlClass && _this2.options.htmlClass !== '') {
_this2.domNodes.additionalHtml = null;
element.dispatchEvent(new Event('closed.simplelightbox'));
_this2.isClosing = false;
this.currentImage = null;
this.isOpen = false;
this.isAnimating = false; // reset touchcontrol coordinates
for (var key in this.controlCoordinates) {
this.controlCoordinates[key] = 0;
this.controlCoordinates.mousedown = false;
this.controlCoordinates.zoomed = false;
this.controlCoordinates.capture = false;
this.controlCoordinates.initialScale = this.minMax(1, 1, this.options.maxZoom);
this.controlCoordinates.doubleTapped = false;
}, {
key: "preload",
value: function preload() {
var _this3 = this;
var index = this.currentImageIndex,
length = this.relatedElements.length,
next = index + 1 < 0 ? length - 1 : index + 1 >= length - 1 ? 0 : index + 1,
prev = index - 1 < 0 ? length - 1 : index - 1 >= length - 1 ? 0 : index - 1,
nextImage = new Image(),
prevImage = new Image();
nextImage.addEventListener('load', function (event) {
var src ='src');
if (_this3.loadedImages.indexOf(src) === -1) {
//is this condition even required... setting multiple times will not change usage...
_this3.relatedElements[index].dispatchEvent(new Event('nextImageLoaded.' + _this3.eventNamespace));
nextImage.setAttribute('src', this.relatedElements[next].getAttribute(this.options.sourceAttr));
prevImage.addEventListener('load', function (event) {
var src ='src');
if (_this3.loadedImages.indexOf(src) === -1) {
_this3.relatedElements[index].dispatchEvent(new Event('prevImageLoaded.' + _this3.eventNamespace));
prevImage.setAttribute('src', this.relatedElements[prev].getAttribute(this.options.sourceAttr));
}, {
key: "loadImage",
value: function loadImage(direction) {
var _this4 = this;
var slideDirection = direction;
if (this.options.rtl) {
direction = -direction;
this.relatedElements[this.currentImageIndex].dispatchEvent(new Event('change.' + this.eventNamespace));
this.relatedElements[this.currentImageIndex].dispatchEvent(new Event((direction === 1 ? 'next' : 'prev') + '.' + this.eventNamespace));
var newIndex = this.currentImageIndex + direction;
if (this.isAnimating || (newIndex < 0 || newIndex >= this.relatedElements.length) && this.options.loop === false) {
return false;
this.currentImageIndex = newIndex < 0 ? this.relatedElements.length - 1 : newIndex > this.relatedElements.length - 1 ? 0 : newIndex;
this.domNodes.counter.querySelector('.sl-current').innerHTML = this.currentImageIndex + 1;
if (this.options.animationSlide) {
this.slide(this.options.animationSpeed / 1000, -100 * slideDirection - this.controlCoordinates.swipeDiff + 'px');
this.fadeOut(this.domNodes.image, 300, function () {
_this4.isAnimating = true;
setTimeout(function () {
var element = _this4.relatedElements[_this4.currentImageIndex];
_this4.currentImage.setAttribute('src', element.getAttribute(_this4.options.sourceAttr));
if (_this4.loadedImages.indexOf(element.getAttribute(_this4.options.sourceAttr)) === -1) {;
if (_this4.domNodes.image.contains(_this4.domNodes.caption)) {
if (_this4.options.preloading) _this4.preload();
}, 100);
}, {
key: "adjustImage",
value: function adjustImage(direction) {
var _this5 = this;
if (!this.currentImage) {
return false;
var tmpImage = new Image(),
windowWidth = window.innerWidth * this.options.widthRatio,
windowHeight = window.innerHeight * this.options.heightRatio;
tmpImage.setAttribute('src', this.currentImage.getAttribute('src'));
this.currentImage.dataset.scale = 1;
this.currentImage.dataset.translateX = 0;
this.currentImage.dataset.translateY = 0;
this.zoomPanElement(0, 0, 1);
tmpImage.addEventListener('error', function (event) {
_this5.relatedElements[_this5.currentImageIndex].dispatchEvent(new Event('error.' + _this5.eventNamespace));
_this5.isAnimating = false;
_this5.isOpen = false; = 'none';
var dirIsDefined = direction === 1 || direction === -1;
if (_this5.initialImageIndex === _this5.currentImageIndex && dirIsDefined) {
return _this5.close();
if (_this5.options.alertError) {
_this5.loadImage(dirIsDefined ? direction : 1);
tmpImage.addEventListener('load', function (event) {
if (typeof direction !== 'undefined') {
_this5.relatedElements[_this5.currentImageIndex].dispatchEvent(new Event('changed.' + _this5.eventNamespace));
_this5.relatedElements[_this5.currentImageIndex].dispatchEvent(new Event((direction === 1 ? 'nextDone' : 'prevDone') + '.' + _this5.eventNamespace));
} // history
if (_this5.options.history) {
if (_this5.loadedImages.indexOf(_this5.currentImage.getAttribute('src')) === -1) {
var imageWidth =,
imageHeight =;
if (_this5.options.scaleImageToRatio || imageWidth > windowWidth || imageHeight > windowHeight) {
var ratio = imageWidth / imageHeight > windowWidth / windowHeight ? imageWidth / windowWidth : imageHeight / windowHeight;
imageWidth /= ratio;
imageHeight /= ratio;
} = (window.innerHeight - imageHeight) / 2 + 'px'; = (window.innerWidth - imageWidth - _this5.globalScrollbarWidth) / 2 + 'px'; = imageWidth + 'px'; = imageHeight + 'px'; = 'none';
_this5.fadeIn(_this5.currentImage, 300);
_this5.isOpen = true;
var captionContainer = _this5.options.captionSelector === 'self' ? _this5.relatedElements[_this5.currentImageIndex] : _this5.relatedElements[_this5.currentImageIndex].querySelector(_this5.options.captionSelector),
if (_this5.options.captions && captionContainer) {
if (_this5.options.captionType === 'data') {
captionText = captionContainer.dataset[_this5.options.captionsData];
} else if (_this5.options.captionType === 'text') {
captionText = captionContainer.innerHTML;
} else {
captionText = captionContainer.getAttribute(_this5.options.captionsData);
if (!_this5.options.loop) {
if (_this5.currentImageIndex === 0) {
if (_this5.currentImageIndex >= _this5.relatedElements.length - 1) {
if (_this5.currentImageIndex > 0) {'.sl-prev'));
if (_this5.currentImageIndex < _this5.relatedElements.length - 1) {'.sl-next'));
if (_this5.relatedElements.length === 1) {
_this5.hide(_this5.domNodes.navigation.querySelectorAll('.sl-prev, .sl-next'));
} else {'.sl-prev, .sl-next'));
if (direction === 1 || direction === -1) {
if (_this5.options.animationSlide) {
_this5.slide(0, 100 * direction + 'px');
setTimeout(function () {
_this5.slide(_this5.options.animationSpeed / 1000, 0 + 'px');
}, 50);
_this5.fadeIn(_this5.domNodes.image, 300, function () {
_this5.isAnimating = false;
_this5.setCaption(captionText, imageWidth);
} else {
_this5.isAnimating = false;
_this5.setCaption(captionText, imageWidth);
if (_this5.options.additionalHtml && !_this5.domNodes.additionalHtml) {
_this5.domNodes.additionalHtml = document.createElement('div');
_this5.domNodes.additionalHtml.innerHTML = _this5.options.additionalHtml;
}, {
key: "zoomPanElement",
value: function zoomPanElement(targetOffsetX, targetOffsetY, targetScale) {[this.transitionPrefix + 'transform'] = 'translate(' + targetOffsetX + ',' + targetOffsetY + ') scale(' + targetScale + ')';
}, {
key: "minMax",
value: function minMax(value, min, max) {
return value < min ? min : value > max ? max : value;
}, {
key: "setZoomData",
value: function setZoomData(initialScale, targetOffsetX, targetOffsetY) {
this.currentImage.dataset.scale = initialScale;
this.currentImage.dataset.translateX = targetOffsetX;
this.currentImage.dataset.translateY = targetOffsetY;
}, {
key: "hashchangeHandler",
value: function hashchangeHandler() {
if (this.isOpen && this.hash === this.initialLocationHash) {
this.hashReseted = true;
}, {
key: "addEvents",
value: function addEvents() {
var _this6 = this;
// resize/responsive
this.addEventListener(window, 'resize.' + this.eventNamespace, function (event) {
if (_this6.isOpen) {
this.addEventListener(this.domNodes.closeButton, ['click.' + this.eventNamespace, 'touchstart.' + this.eventNamespace], this.close.bind(this));
if (this.options.history) {
setTimeout(function () {
_this6.addEventListener(window, 'hashchange.' + _this6.eventNamespace, function (event) {
if (_this6.isOpen) {
}, 40);
this.addEventListener(this.domNodes.navigation.getElementsByTagName('button'), 'click.' + this.eventNamespace, function (event) {
if (!event.currentTarget.tagName.match(/button/i)) {
return true;
_this6.controlCoordinates.swipeDiff = 0;
_this6.loadImage(event.currentTarget.classList.contains('sl-next') ? 1 : -1);
this.addEventListener(this.domNodes.image, ['touchstart.' + this.eventNamespace, 'mousedown.' + this.eventNamespace], function (event) {
if ( === 'A' && event.type === 'touchstart') {
return true;
if (event.type === 'mousedown') {
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetX = event.clientX;
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_this6.controlCoordinates.imgHeight = _this6.getDimensions(_this6.currentImage).height;
_this6.controlCoordinates.imgWidth = _this6.getDimensions(_this6.currentImage).width;
_this6.controlCoordinates.containerOffsetX = _this6.domNodes.image.offsetLeft;
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_this6.controlCoordinates.initialOffsetY = parseFloat(_this6.currentImage.dataset.translateY);
_this6.controlCoordinates.capture = true;
} else {
_this6.controlCoordinates.touchCount = event.touches.length;
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetX = event.touches[0].clientX;
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetY = event.touches[0].clientY;
_this6.controlCoordinates.containerHeight = _this6.getDimensions(_this6.domNodes.image).height;
_this6.controlCoordinates.containerWidth = _this6.getDimensions(_this6.domNodes.image).width;
_this6.controlCoordinates.imgHeight = _this6.getDimensions(_this6.currentImage).height;
_this6.controlCoordinates.imgWidth = _this6.getDimensions(_this6.currentImage).width;
_this6.controlCoordinates.containerOffsetX = _this6.domNodes.image.offsetLeft;
_this6.controlCoordinates.containerOffsetY = _this6.domNodes.image.offsetTop;
if (_this6.controlCoordinates.touchCount === 1)
/* Single touch */
if (!_this6.controlCoordinates.doubleTapped) {
_this6.controlCoordinates.doubleTapped = true;
setTimeout(function () {
_this6.controlCoordinates.doubleTapped = false;
}, 300);
} else {
if (!_this6.controlCoordinates.zoomed) {
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialScale = _this6.options.doubleTapZoom;
_this6.setZoomData(_this6.controlCoordinates.initialScale, 0, 0);
_this6.zoomPanElement(0 + "px", 0 + "px", _this6.controlCoordinates.initialScale);
if (! && !== 'none') {
_this6.fadeOut(_this6.domNodes.caption, 200);
_this6.controlCoordinates.zoomed = true;
} else {
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialScale = 1;
_this6.setZoomData(_this6.controlCoordinates.initialScale, 0, 0);
_this6.zoomPanElement(0 + "px", 0 + "px", _this6.controlCoordinates.initialScale);
_this6.controlCoordinates.zoomed = false;
setTimeout(function () {
if (_this6.currentImage) {
}, 200);
return false;
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialOffsetX = parseFloat(_this6.currentImage.dataset.translateX);
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialOffsetY = parseFloat(_this6.currentImage.dataset.translateY);
} else if (_this6.controlCoordinates.touchCount === 2)
/* Pinch */
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetX2 = event.touches[1].clientX;
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetY2 = event.touches[1].clientY;
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialOffsetX = parseFloat(_this6.currentImage.dataset.translateX);
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialOffsetY = parseFloat(_this6.currentImage.dataset.translateY);
_this6.controlCoordinates.pinchOffsetX = (_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetX + _this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetX2) / 2;
_this6.controlCoordinates.pinchOffsetY = (_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetY + _this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetY2) / 2;
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPinchDistance = Math.sqrt((_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetX - _this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetX2) * (_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetX - _this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetX2) + (_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetY - _this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetY2) * (_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetY - _this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetY2));
_this6.controlCoordinates.capture = true;
if (_this6.controlCoordinates.mousedown) return true;
if (_this6.transitionCapable) {
_this6.controlCoordinates.imageLeft = parseInt(, 10);
_this6.controlCoordinates.mousedown = true;
_this6.controlCoordinates.swipeDiff = 0;
_this6.controlCoordinates.swipeYDiff = 0;
_this6.controlCoordinates.swipeStart = event.pageX || event.touches[0].pageX;
_this6.controlCoordinates.swipeYStart = event.pageY || event.touches[0].pageY;
return false;
this.addEventListener(this.domNodes.image, ['touchmove.' + this.eventNamespace, 'mousemove.' + this.eventNamespace, 'MSPointerMove'], function (event) {
if (!_this6.controlCoordinates.mousedown) {
return true;
if (event.type === 'touchmove') {
if (_this6.controlCoordinates.capture === false) {
return false;
_this6.controlCoordinates.pointerOffsetX = event.touches[0].clientX;
_this6.controlCoordinates.pointerOffsetY = event.touches[0].clientY;
_this6.controlCoordinates.touchCount = event.touches.length;
if (_this6.controlCoordinates.touchCount > 1)
/* Pinch */
_this6.controlCoordinates.pointerOffsetX2 = event.touches[1].clientX;
_this6.controlCoordinates.pointerOffsetY2 = event.touches[1].clientY;
_this6.controlCoordinates.targetPinchDistance = Math.sqrt((_this6.controlCoordinates.pointerOffsetX - _this6.controlCoordinates.pointerOffsetX2) * (_this6.controlCoordinates.pointerOffsetX - _this6.controlCoordinates.pointerOffsetX2) + (_this6.controlCoordinates.pointerOffsetY - _this6.controlCoordinates.pointerOffsetY2) * (_this6.controlCoordinates.pointerOffsetY - _this6.controlCoordinates.pointerOffsetY2));
if (_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPinchDistance === null) {
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPinchDistance = _this6.controlCoordinates.targetPinchDistance;
if (Math.abs(_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPinchDistance - _this6.controlCoordinates.targetPinchDistance) >= 1) {
/* Initialize helpers */
_this6.controlCoordinates.targetScale = _this6.minMax(_this6.controlCoordinates.targetPinchDistance / _this6.controlCoordinates.initialPinchDistance * _this6.controlCoordinates.initialScale, 1, _this6.options.maxZoom);
_this6.controlCoordinates.limitOffsetX = (_this6.controlCoordinates.imgWidth * _this6.controlCoordinates.targetScale - _this6.controlCoordinates.containerWidth) / 2;
_this6.controlCoordinates.limitOffsetY = (_this6.controlCoordinates.imgHeight * _this6.controlCoordinates.targetScale - _this6.controlCoordinates.containerHeight) / 2;
_this6.controlCoordinates.scaleDifference = _this6.controlCoordinates.targetScale - _this6.controlCoordinates.initialScale;
_this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetX = _this6.controlCoordinates.imgWidth * _this6.controlCoordinates.targetScale <= _this6.controlCoordinates.containerWidth ? 0 : _this6.minMax(_this6.controlCoordinates.initialOffsetX - (_this6.controlCoordinates.pinchOffsetX - _this6.controlCoordinates.containerOffsetX - _this6.controlCoordinates.containerWidth / 2 - _this6.controlCoordinates.initialOffsetX) / (_this6.controlCoordinates.targetScale - _this6.controlCoordinates.scaleDifference) * _this6.controlCoordinates.scaleDifference, _this6.controlCoordinates.limitOffsetX * -1, _this6.controlCoordinates.limitOffsetX);
_this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetY = _this6.controlCoordinates.imgHeight * _this6.controlCoordinates.targetScale <= _this6.controlCoordinates.containerHeight ? 0 : _this6.minMax(_this6.controlCoordinates.initialOffsetY - (_this6.controlCoordinates.pinchOffsetY - _this6.controlCoordinates.containerOffsetY - _this6.controlCoordinates.containerHeight / 2 - _this6.controlCoordinates.initialOffsetY) / (_this6.controlCoordinates.targetScale - _this6.controlCoordinates.scaleDifference) * _this6.controlCoordinates.scaleDifference, _this6.controlCoordinates.limitOffsetY * -1, _this6.controlCoordinates.limitOffsetY);
_this6.zoomPanElement(_this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetX + "px", _this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetY + "px", _this6.controlCoordinates.targetScale);
if (_this6.controlCoordinates.targetScale > 1) {
_this6.controlCoordinates.zoomed = true;
if (! && !== 'none') {
_this6.fadeOut(_this6.domNodes.caption, 200);
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPinchDistance = _this6.controlCoordinates.targetPinchDistance;
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialScale = _this6.controlCoordinates.targetScale;
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialOffsetX = _this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetX;
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialOffsetY = _this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetY;
} else {
_this6.controlCoordinates.targetScale = _this6.controlCoordinates.initialScale;
_this6.controlCoordinates.limitOffsetX = (_this6.controlCoordinates.imgWidth * _this6.controlCoordinates.targetScale - _this6.controlCoordinates.containerWidth) / 2;
_this6.controlCoordinates.limitOffsetY = (_this6.controlCoordinates.imgHeight * _this6.controlCoordinates.targetScale - _this6.controlCoordinates.containerHeight) / 2;
_this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetX = _this6.controlCoordinates.imgWidth * _this6.controlCoordinates.targetScale <= _this6.controlCoordinates.containerWidth ? 0 : _this6.minMax(_this6.controlCoordinates.pointerOffsetX - (_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetX - _this6.controlCoordinates.initialOffsetX), _this6.controlCoordinates.limitOffsetX * -1, _this6.controlCoordinates.limitOffsetX);
_this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetY = _this6.controlCoordinates.imgHeight * _this6.controlCoordinates.targetScale <= _this6.controlCoordinates.containerHeight ? 0 : _this6.minMax(_this6.controlCoordinates.pointerOffsetY - (_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetY - _this6.controlCoordinates.initialOffsetY), _this6.controlCoordinates.limitOffsetY * -1, _this6.controlCoordinates.limitOffsetY);
if (Math.abs(_this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetX) === Math.abs(_this6.controlCoordinates.limitOffsetX)) {
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialOffsetX = _this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetX;
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetX = _this6.controlCoordinates.pointerOffsetX;
if (Math.abs(_this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetY) === Math.abs(_this6.controlCoordinates.limitOffsetY)) {
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialOffsetY = _this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetY;
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetY = _this6.controlCoordinates.pointerOffsetY;
_this6.setZoomData(_this6.controlCoordinates.initialScale, _this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetX, _this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetY);
_this6.zoomPanElement(_this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetX + "px", _this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetY + "px", _this6.controlCoordinates.targetScale);
/* Mouse Move implementation */
if (event.type === 'mousemove' && _this6.controlCoordinates.mousedown) {
if (event.type == 'touchmove') return true;
if (_this6.controlCoordinates.capture === false) return false;
_this6.controlCoordinates.pointerOffsetX = event.clientX;
_this6.controlCoordinates.pointerOffsetY = event.clientY;
_this6.controlCoordinates.targetScale = _this6.controlCoordinates.initialScale;
_this6.controlCoordinates.limitOffsetX = (_this6.controlCoordinates.imgWidth * _this6.controlCoordinates.targetScale - _this6.controlCoordinates.containerWidth) / 2;
_this6.controlCoordinates.limitOffsetY = (_this6.controlCoordinates.imgHeight * _this6.controlCoordinates.targetScale - _this6.controlCoordinates.containerHeight) / 2;
_this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetX = _this6.controlCoordinates.imgWidth * _this6.controlCoordinates.targetScale <= _this6.controlCoordinates.containerWidth ? 0 : _this6.minMax(_this6.controlCoordinates.pointerOffsetX - (_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetX - _this6.controlCoordinates.initialOffsetX), _this6.controlCoordinates.limitOffsetX * -1, _this6.controlCoordinates.limitOffsetX);
_this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetY = _this6.controlCoordinates.imgHeight * _this6.controlCoordinates.targetScale <= _this6.controlCoordinates.containerHeight ? 0 : _this6.minMax(_this6.controlCoordinates.pointerOffsetY - (_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetY - _this6.controlCoordinates.initialOffsetY), _this6.controlCoordinates.limitOffsetY * -1, _this6.controlCoordinates.limitOffsetY);
if (Math.abs(_this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetX) === Math.abs(_this6.controlCoordinates.limitOffsetX)) {
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialOffsetX = _this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetX;
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetX = _this6.controlCoordinates.pointerOffsetX;
if (Math.abs(_this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetY) === Math.abs(_this6.controlCoordinates.limitOffsetY)) {
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialOffsetY = _this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetY;
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetY = _this6.controlCoordinates.pointerOffsetY;
_this6.setZoomData(_this6.controlCoordinates.initialScale, _this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetX, _this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetY);
_this6.zoomPanElement(_this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetX + "px", _this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetY + "px", _this6.controlCoordinates.targetScale);
if (!_this6.controlCoordinates.zoomed) {
_this6.controlCoordinates.swipeEnd = event.pageX || event.touches[0].pageX;
_this6.controlCoordinates.swipeYEnd = event.pageY || event.touches[0].pageY;
_this6.controlCoordinates.swipeDiff = _this6.controlCoordinates.swipeStart - _this6.controlCoordinates.swipeEnd;
_this6.controlCoordinates.swipeYDiff = _this6.controlCoordinates.swipeYStart - _this6.controlCoordinates.swipeYEnd;
if (_this6.options.animationSlide) {
_this6.slide(0, -_this6.controlCoordinates.swipeDiff + 'px');
this.addEventListener(this.domNodes.image, ['touchend.' + this.eventNamespace, 'mouseup.' + this.eventNamespace, 'touchcancel.' + this.eventNamespace, 'mouseleave.' + this.eventNamespace, 'pointerup', 'pointercancel', 'MSPointerUp', 'MSPointerCancel'], function (event) {
if (_this6.isTouchDevice && event.type === 'touchend') {
_this6.controlCoordinates.touchCount = event.touches.length;
if (_this6.controlCoordinates.touchCount === 0)
/* No touch */
/* Set attributes */
_this6.setZoomData(_this6.controlCoordinates.initialScale, _this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetX, _this6.controlCoordinates.targetOffsetY);
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_this6.controlCoordinates.zoomed = false;
if ( === 'none') {
_this6.fadeIn(_this6.domNodes.caption, 200);
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPinchDistance = null;
_this6.controlCoordinates.capture = false;
} else if (_this6.controlCoordinates.touchCount === 1)
/* Single touch */
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetX = event.touches[0].clientX;
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetY = event.touches[0].clientY;
} else if (_this6.controlCoordinates.touchCount > 1)
/* Pinch */
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPinchDistance = null;
if (_this6.controlCoordinates.mousedown) {
_this6.controlCoordinates.mousedown = false;
var possibleDir = true;
if (!_this6.options.loop) {
if (_this6.currentImageIndex === 0 && _this6.controlCoordinates.swipeDiff < 0) {
possibleDir = false;
if (_this6.currentImageIndex >= _this6.relatedElements.length - 1 && _this6.controlCoordinates.swipeDiff > 0) {
possibleDir = false;
if (Math.abs(_this6.controlCoordinates.swipeDiff) > _this6.options.swipeTolerance && possibleDir) {
_this6.loadImage(_this6.controlCoordinates.swipeDiff > 0 ? 1 : -1);
} else if (_this6.options.animationSlide) {
_this6.slide(_this6.options.animationSpeed / 1000, 0 + 'px');
if (_this6.options.swipeClose && Math.abs(_this6.controlCoordinates.swipeYDiff) > 50 && Math.abs(_this6.controlCoordinates.swipeDiff) < _this6.options.swipeTolerance) {
this.addEventListener(this.domNodes.image, ['dblclick'], function (event) {
if (_this6.isTouchDevice) return;
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetX = event.clientX;
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialPointerOffsetY = event.clientY;
_this6.controlCoordinates.containerHeight = _this6.getDimensions(_this6.domNodes.image).height;
_this6.controlCoordinates.containerWidth = _this6.getDimensions(_this6.domNodes.image).width;
_this6.controlCoordinates.imgHeight = _this6.getDimensions(_this6.currentImage).height;
_this6.controlCoordinates.imgWidth = _this6.getDimensions(_this6.currentImage).width;
_this6.controlCoordinates.containerOffsetX = _this6.domNodes.image.offsetLeft;
_this6.controlCoordinates.containerOffsetY = _this6.domNodes.image.offsetTop;
if (!_this6.controlCoordinates.zoomed) {
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialScale = _this6.options.doubleTapZoom;
_this6.setZoomData(_this6.controlCoordinates.initialScale, 0, 0);
_this6.zoomPanElement(0 + "px", 0 + "px", _this6.controlCoordinates.initialScale);
if (! && !== 'none') {
_this6.fadeOut(_this6.domNodes.caption, 200);
_this6.controlCoordinates.zoomed = true;
} else {
_this6.controlCoordinates.initialScale = 1;
_this6.setZoomData(_this6.controlCoordinates.initialScale, 0, 0);
_this6.zoomPanElement(0 + "px", 0 + "px", _this6.controlCoordinates.initialScale);
_this6.controlCoordinates.zoomed = false;
if ( === 'none') {
_this6.fadeIn(_this6.domNodes.caption, 200);
setTimeout(function () {
if (_this6.currentImage) {
}, 200);
_this6.controlCoordinates.capture = true;
return false;
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key: "getDimensions",
value: function getDimensions(element) {
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height = element.offsetHeight,
width = element.offsetWidth,
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height: height - borderBottomWidth - borderTopWidth - paddingTop - paddingBottom,
width: width - borderLeftWidth - borderRightWidth - paddingLeft - paddingRight
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key: "updateHash",
value: function updateHash() {
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newURL = window.location.href.split('#')[0] + '#' + newHash;
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// what is the browser target of this?
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} else {
window.location.hash = newHash;
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this.urlChangedOnce = true;
this.historyHasChanges = true;
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key: "resetHash",
value: function resetHash() {
this.hashReseted = true;
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} else {
if (this.pushStateSupport) {
history.pushState('', document.title, window.location.pathname +;
} else {
window.location.hash = '';
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//in case an history operation is still pending
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key: "updateURL",
value: function updateURL() {
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this.updateHash(); // first time
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key: "setCaption",
value: function setCaption(captionText, imageWidth) {
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_this7.fadeIn(_this7.domNodes.caption, 300);
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key: "slide",
value: function slide(speed, pos) {
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return = pos;
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key: "getRelated",
value: function getRelated(rel) {
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elems = Array.from(this.elements).filter(function (element) {
return element.getAttribute('rel') === rel;
} else {
elems = this.elements;
return elems;
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key: "openImage",
value: function openImage(element) {
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element.dispatchEvent(new Event('show.' + this.eventNamespace));
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this.currentImageIndex = this.relatedElements.indexOf(element);
var targetURL = element.getAttribute(this.options.sourceAttr);
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this.domNodes.image.innerHTML = '';
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this.fadeIn([this.domNodes.counter, this.domNodes.navigation, this.domNodes.closeButton], 300);;
this.domNodes.counter.querySelector('.sl-current').innerHTML = this.currentImageIndex + 1;
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setTimeout(function () {
element.dispatchEvent(new Event('shown.' + _this8.eventNamespace));
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key: "addEventListener",
value: function addEventListener(elements, events, callback, opts) {
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try {
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var event = _step2.value;
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element.namespaces[event] = callback;
element.addEventListener(event.split('.')[0], callback, options);
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key: "removeEventListener",
value: function removeEventListener(elements, events) {
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events = this.wrap(events);
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try {
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var event = _step4.value;
element.removeEventListener(event.split('.')[0], element.namespaces[event]);
delete element.namespaces[event];
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} finally {
} catch (err) {
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key: "fadeOut",
value: function fadeOut(elements, duration, callback) {
var _this9 = this;
elements = this.wrap(elements);
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try {
for (_iterator5.s(); !(_step5 = _iterator5.n()).done;) {
var element = _step5.value; = 1;
} catch (err) {
} finally {
var step = 16.66666 / (duration || 300),
fade = function fade() {
var currentOpacity = parseFloat(elements[0].style.opacity);
if ((currentOpacity -= step) < 0) {
var _iterator6 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(elements),
try {
for (_iterator6.s(); !(_step6 = _iterator6.n()).done;) {
var element = _step6.value; = "none"; = '';
} catch (err) {
} finally {
callback &&, elements);
} else {
var _iterator7 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(elements),
try {
for (_iterator7.s(); !(_step7 = _iterator7.n()).done;) {
var _element = _step7.value; = currentOpacity;
} catch (err) {
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key: "fadeIn",
value: function fadeIn(elements, duration, callback, display) {
var _this10 = this;
elements = this.wrap(elements);
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try {
for (_iterator8.s(); !(_step8 = _iterator8.n()).done;) {
var element = _step8.value; = 0; = display || "block";
} catch (err) {
} finally {
var opacityTarget = parseFloat(elements[0].dataset.opacityTarget || 1),
step = 16.66666 * opacityTarget / (duration || 300),
fade = function fade() {
var currentOpacity = parseFloat(elements[0].style.opacity);
if (!((currentOpacity += step) > opacityTarget)) {
var _iterator9 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(elements),
try {
for (_iterator9.s(); !(_step9 = _iterator9.n()).done;) {
var element = _step9.value; = currentOpacity;
} catch (err) {
} finally {
} else {
var _iterator10 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(elements),
try {
for (_iterator10.s(); !(_step10 = _iterator10.n()).done;) {
var _element2 = _step10.value; = '';
} catch (err) {
} finally {
callback &&, elements);
}, {
key: "hide",
value: function hide(elements) {
elements = this.wrap(elements);
var _iterator11 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(elements),
try {
for (_iterator11.s(); !(_step11 = _iterator11.n()).done;) {
var element = _step11.value;
element.dataset.initialDisplay =; = 'none';
} catch (err) {
} finally {
}, {
key: "show",
value: function show(elements, display) {
elements = this.wrap(elements);
var _iterator12 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(elements),
try {
for (_iterator12.s(); !(_step12 = _iterator12.n()).done;) {
var element = _step12.value; = element.dataset.initialDisplay || display || 'block';
} catch (err) {
} finally {
}, {
key: "wrap",
value: function wrap(input) {
return typeof input[Symbol.iterator] === 'function' && typeof input !== 'string' ? input : [input];
}, {
key: "on",
value: function on(events, callback) {
events = this.wrap(events);
var _iterator13 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(this.elements),
try {
for (_iterator13.s(); !(_step13 = _iterator13.n()).done;) {
var element = _step13.value;
if (!element.fullyNamespacedEvents) {
element.fullyNamespacedEvents = {};
var _iterator14 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(events),
try {
for (_iterator14.s(); !(_step14 = _iterator14.n()).done;) {
var event = _step14.value;
element.fullyNamespacedEvents[event] = callback;
element.addEventListener(event, callback);
} catch (err) {
} finally {
} catch (err) {
} finally {
return this;
}, {
key: "off",
value: function off(events) {
events = this.wrap(events);
var _iterator15 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(this.elements),
try {
for (_iterator15.s(); !(_step15 = _iterator15.n()).done;) {
var element = _step15.value;
var _iterator16 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(events),
try {
for (_iterator16.s(); !(_step16 = _iterator16.n()).done;) {
var event = _step16.value;
if (typeof element.fullyNamespacedEvents !== 'undefined' && event in element.fullyNamespacedEvents) {
element.removeEventListener(event, element.fullyNamespacedEvents[event]);
} catch (err) {
} finally {
} catch (err) {
} finally {
return this;
} // api
}, {
key: "open",
value: function open(elem) {
elem = elem || this.elements[0];
if (typeof jQuery !== "undefined" && elem instanceof jQuery) {
elem = elem.get(0);
this.initialImageIndex = this.elements.indexOf(elem);
if (this.initialImageIndex > -1) {
}, {
key: "next",
value: function next() {
}, {
key: "prev",
value: function prev() {
} //close is exposed anyways..
}, {
key: "destroy",
value: function destroy() {
//remove all custom event listeners from elements['close.' + this.eventNamespace, 'closed.' + this.eventNamespace, 'nextImageLoaded.' + this.eventNamespace, 'prevImageLoaded.' + this.eventNamespace, 'change.' + this.eventNamespace, 'nextDone.' + this.eventNamespace, 'prevDone.' + this.eventNamespace, 'error.' + this.eventNamespace, 'changed.' + this.eventNamespace, 'next.' + this.eventNamespace, 'prev.' + this.eventNamespace, 'show.' + this.eventNamespace, 'shown.' + this.eventNamespace]);
this.removeEventListener(this.elements, 'click.' + this.eventNamespace);
this.removeEventListener(document.body, 'contextmenu.' + this.eventNamespace);
this.removeEventListener(document.body, 'keyup.' + this.eventNamespace);
this.removeEventListener(this.domNodes.navigation.getElementsByTagName('button'), 'click.' + this.eventNamespace);
this.removeEventListener(this.domNodes.closeButton, 'click.' + this.eventNamespace);
this.removeEventListener(window, 'resize.' + this.eventNamespace);
this.removeEventListener(window, 'hashchange.' + this.eventNamespace);
if (this.isOpen) {
this.elements = null;
}, {
key: "refresh",
value: function refresh() {
if (!this.initialSelector) {
throw 'refreshing only works when you initialize using a selector!';
var options = this.options,
selector = this.initialSelector;
this.constructor(selector, options);
return this;
}, {
key: "hash",
get: function get() {
return window.location.hash.substring(1);
return SimpleLightbox;
(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
$.fn.simpleLightbox = function (options) {
return new SimpleLightbox(this.get(), options);
})(jQuery, window, document);
// nextgen-simple-light-box.js
jQuery(function($) {
var selector = null;
var lightbox = null;
var nextgen_simplebox_options = {
history: false,
animationSlide: false,
animationSpeed: 100,
captionSelector: 'self'
var nextgen_simplelightbox_init = function() {
selector = nextgen_lightbox_filter_selector($, $(".ngg-simplelightbox"));
if (selector.length > 0) {
lightbox = selector.simpleLightbox(nextgen_simplebox_options);
$(window).on('refreshed', function() {
if (typeof lightbox !== 'undefined') {
selector = nextgen_lightbox_filter_selector($, $(".ngg-simplelightbox"));
if (selector.length > 0) {
lightbox = selector.simpleLightbox(nextgen_simplebox_options);