Changing IP of a Domain Controller
        - If dcpromo has been done before the move
            - Change Nic with a new static IP
            - Run dcpromo again after the move to re-enable its role as a domain controller
        - If dcpromo has NOT been done before the move
            - Simple method:
                - Change vNic with a new static IP
                - Run dcpromo to demote
                - Run dcpromo again to promote
            - Complex method:
                - Overload vNic with a new static IP
                - Remove old IP
                - Ipconfig /flushdns && ipconfig /registerdns
                - Dcdiag /fix
        - Validate domain controller health: Dcdiag /s:DCNAME
        - Verify DNS Entries:
            - correct a-record & IP association for DOMAIN
            - reverse-lookup entries exist
            - _msdcs > dc > _sites > [Site Name] > _tcp
            - _msdcs > domains > [domain sid] > _tcp
            - _sites > [Site Name] > _tcp
            - _tcp
            - _udp
            - domaindnszones > _sites > [Site Name] > _tcp
            - forestdnszones > _sites > [Site Name] > _tcp
        - Change the DNS address in DHCP server configuration, if using DHCP for this scope
        - Update Subnets in Active Directory Sites and Services
        - Update each known client guest VMs DNS with the new IP address of DC